Strange liquid coming from my pregnant cat

Discussion in 'Breeding' started by Jamie Whiler, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Jamie Whiler

    Jamie Whiler New Member

    Apr 4, 2024
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    Hi there,

    I'm new here, so first and foremost I'm sorry if I've posted this in the wrong section.
    I've had many cats in the past, but I've never had a mama.
    Earlier this night, my cat (her name is Orchid) came in from outside filled with cactus and thoroughly panicked. I picked the cactus out, but while I was doing so I noticed that her hind legs, base of the tail, and all around her genitals was wet. I smelled it to make sure it wasn't just water, but it was relatively sticky, and was definitely not orderless (can't exactly describe the smell).
    She's only about a week pregnant, and barely showing, so unless she had some sort of miscarry this couldn't be a sign of labor.

    I checked her genitals to see if she was bleeding, and while her whole backside was covered in liquid (and I mean covered, there had to have been a lot) there was blood, but only a small amount that clearly came from her genitals (I'm sorry I don't know what else to call it) but it wasn't an active bleed and there was a very small amount, much less then a thimble full. She was constantly licking and appeared to be in pain. It looked like mild pain but since cats hide so much, that she's probably in a lot more pain than she's letting on. She's also making small chirping noises. On top of that, one of my other cats, would not leave her alone. He was relentlessly harassing her.

    I've put him in a separate room of the house, and she's settled down a bit now, although she's acting uncomfortable and still licking every now and then. It's 2:00 am so I can't take her to the vet.

    Again, I'm new here and kind of just found this forum in a rush tonight.
    Please be nice, I don't know what crowd I've come to and I'm really worried that people might be angry with me for something. I've only ever kept cats as pets, and her pregnancy was unintentional (which I won't go into that now) we're prepared to have the kittens and are excited about them, etc, but first and foremost I want her to be safe and happy above all.
    Jamie Whiler, Apr 4, 2024
  2. Jamie Whiler

    Eva Active Member

    Jul 3, 2024
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    Don’t know anything about this honestly. I have a pregnant Persian who’s about to give birth. A fuzzy fur basketball on legs !

    This means she pretty much lives in my bed ….. Persians like help getting the blind and deaf kittens to their nipples especially the first time . If they trust you they literally will give birth in your bed . I have 12 cans of KMR cat milk put up each is good for two days. I’ve had my Momma cat literally block the front door so I couldn’t leave . They like help feeding and petting.

    Your lady cat might be in heat ! Don’t forget they have two uteruses.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2024
    Eva, Jul 14, 2024
  3. Jamie Whiler

    hazelwillia Member

    Aug 30, 2024
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    You should immediately visit your vet and supplement your pet's diet with some extra nutrition sources such as l-lysine for cats. This will enhance your cat's immune system and inner strength.
    hazelwillia, Sep 16, 2024
  4. Jamie Whiler

    SkyBloomVibes New Member

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    "If you notice a strange liquid coming from your pregnant cat, it could be a sign that labor is approaching or a potential issue requiring attention. Clear or slightly cloudy discharge is often normal as the body prepares for delivery. However, if the liquid is foul-smelling, greenish, or blood-tinged, it might indicate an infection or complications. Keep an eye on her behavior—if she seems distressed, lethargic, or in pain, contact your vet immediately. It’s always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to your cat’s health during pregnancy."
    SkyBloomVibes, Jan 13, 2025 at 6:28 AM
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