Got kitty litter

Discussion in 'Off Topic Forum' started by Byron nelson, Jul 26, 2021.

  1. Byron nelson

    Byron nelson Active Member

    Jun 20, 2021
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    I ordered kitty liter but didn’t expect it until next week. I got a deal on two 20 pound jugs. I was out so I got 20 pound jug last night I now have 3 full 20 pound jugs! That is a lot of kitty litter! It’s 95 degrees today and very humid. I felt sorry for the fed ex guy he was soaking wet the had to boost this big box up on my deck. I had to open it out side in the sun. Then placed the jugs by the door then cut the box up and took it out to the recycle bin. I don’t have much closet space so it’s going to be a food stop for now. I’m going to dump the current litter in my original jug then it goes in the tras. Not recycle. I’ll still have two jugs for a door stop. I just heard prime go by and he dropped off the new cat water fountain . More paper for recycle. Glad I sharpened my knife yesterday.

    Byron nelson, Jul 26, 2021
  2. Byron nelson

    catalone Member

    Jul 15, 2021
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    I never use it. They are mostly outdoors and just occasionally so I use grass clippings etc for a tray
    catalone, Sep 11, 2021
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