Windy Curvy Hilly Road Trip with Cats

Discussion in 'Pictures and Videos' started by Herman&Eddie, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Thought I would post a couple of pictures of Herman and Eddie on their latest road trip through the Appalachian Mountains. I think, we are were all car sick by the time we were done with this adventure. As you can see, we were so high up there the clouds were right in front of us - not below us - oh my!

    Here is Herman sneaking into a naughty, dangerous spot by my husbands feet. We had pulled over at the top of the mountain taking a break. Yes. She had to move!

    Eddie wondering when this will be all over!


    And the clouds.


    Herman&Eddie, Aug 8, 2015
    Becky likes this.
  2. Herman&Eddie

    Becky Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Eddie has such a cute face! :)
    Becky, Aug 10, 2015
  3. Herman&Eddie

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    That's so true and Herman looks as though he can't decide if to press brakes or gas. I envy those two being all over the place.

    I just don't remember well if Twinkle had a drive....I remember now....... He did but he was in a bag with an opening and he hated the restriction. I never took him driving with the dogs. I was so afraid he would jump out. Would he have? I never knew about that kind of stuff and I actually never read if they are good for traveling. I guess I will follow this story and find out.
    Anne, Aug 10, 2015
  4. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Awwwww, Eddie is so precious, she has such a doll face :p She is gorgeous! She was blessed with such a pretty face. It looks like you guys had such a great time during your holiday, I wish I can do something like that soon. The part I dislike the most about road trips is stopping to use the restroom.
    Trellum, Aug 10, 2015
  5. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Thanks! Our Eddie is so funny sometimes with her expressive facial expressions. Here she is looking out into the great big world wondering when the road trip is going to end, She is kind of hiding underneath the top of the cat carrier that was propped up. As you can see she is all about comfort, too.

    Thank!. lol Herman thought she could sit and go anywhere in the car. This was a big NO NO. We would never trust her to ride in this position because she very well may have pushed on the gas or brake pedal. She had squeezed through an opening behind part of the lower dash from the passenger side of the car. We had to block it as a precaution.

    I could imagine that it would be have chaos, if we had added a dog into the mix. We did have a dog years ago who traveled from Colorado to Michigan. I must say, she traveled much better then our cats. Oh wait, how could I forget we had two other cats back then, too. Camo and Powder. This was the time Powder escaped when we were leaving the hotel room. We found her in an old abandoned trailer in the parking lot next store (pretty sure I mentioned this in another thread. Yikes!)

    Speaking of opened windows, we were careful to only have them cracked open a little bit. Not sure, if they would have tried to jump out while the car was moving, but at a gas station for sure! I can imagine that your Twinkle did not car for his bag at all! I would never take our cats in the car for a joy ride, like we use to do with our dog. It is a big ordeal even to get them into the car in the first place! Herman cries for the first half hour or so and Eddie is as stiff as a log.

    Thanks! Oh, I hear you about stopping for restroom breaks. I am quite picky about where we stop, I prefer rest areas, but when we were miles away from civilization on the these back windy roads that went to one lanes with no gas stations or rest areas for miles, I had to have my husband stop along one of those handy dandy emergency stop offs along the side of the cliffs, so I could step out. I know,not good!

    Now, the cats are a different story. We have put a litter box on the floor board in the back seat fro them, but they never use it. This time Herman relieved herself within the first 50 miles. So, we had to get rid of one of our blankets. I was glad it was not on the carpet! At her age, these trips are getting harder for her to handle.

    At one point it was so hot because we had to turn off the air for awhile - the car was overheating from going up and down all the steep incline for hours at end. I tried to give them some water, but they wanted no more part of it, So placed frozen water bottles next to them to cool them off and they licked off the condensation. So happy to have the trip done!
    Herman&Eddie, Aug 12, 2015
  6. Herman&Eddie

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    Now I am thinking I don't envy you guys anymore or I only envy the fun bits and discovering all the sites and scenes. I think Herman and Eddie deserve a medal. I am guessing there are more than happy you've reached the end of the trip as well. Back to 'freedom'.
    Anne, Aug 12, 2015
    Herman&Eddie likes this.
  7. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Aww, she had no choice but relieve herself, while the other poor one had to hold it for a while, hehehe. I don't like to travel with cats for that same reason, most of the time they have no idea what's really going on, and just get super stressed. But I think your girls did it so well, not many cats can handle long trips in a car. They are not like dogs who seems to enjoy spending time in the car :)
    Trellum, Aug 15, 2015
    Herman&Eddie likes this.
  8. Herman&Eddie

    anadrotowski Member

    Jun 28, 2015
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    Aw, poor kitties! They must have been terrified. These are very cute pictures, though. You have such beautiful kitties!
    anadrotowski, Aug 20, 2015
    Herman&Eddie likes this.
  9. Herman&Eddie

    MER Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2015
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    My Gemma had to make a trip to the vet because she wasn't feeling well. On her follow-up, I dropped her off on the way to work. She's too big for the kitten carrier we had so she unfortunately had free reign to the car. Before I could even get down my long driveway, she had crawled up under the gas pedal and that hump going into the engine compartment. I stopped the car via the emergency break, had to get out of the car on my hands and knees and pull her out from where she was at. On the way to the vet, she secured her spot under my seat and again had to be pulled out once I got to the vet. She knows where we're going and just really hates the vets. The vet had called me later that day and told me that if they need to do any further examming of Gemma, they would have to sedate her. My wife went to pick her up and the techs and vet had my wife go back to collect her since she was really in a nasty frame of mind. This is even before Rosco showed up. My wife swears the vet staffed must have done something ugly to her for her to become this way. I don't think so. I probably wouldn't like the people who stick me with sharp objects or stick things up my tiny backside!:eek:
    MER, Sep 9, 2015
  10. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I can relate to the change in attitude with your cat, Gemma. Our Herman is such a sweetie and loves it, when company comes over. Yet at the vet is another matter. To this day, I can remember how vicarious sounding her cry was from the other room at the vet. I am pretty sure I have written about this in another thread. Anyways, nowadays she has to be sedated for her visits.

    Oh yeah, you say this is before your other cat, Roscoe, showed up. Well, same thing with us. Herman acted like this before our Eddie showed up, too! I wonder if any cats like getting into a car going for a ride whether it be to the vet or just to the store?
    Herman&Eddie, Sep 15, 2015
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