Why did you choose your cat's name(s)??

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by SallyintheValley41, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. SallyintheValley41

    SallyintheValley41 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2012
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    Valley of the Sun, Mesa AZ
    Just like when my babies (human) were born back in the 1960s, I take naming responsibilities very seriously. Does the name have respectibility? Will it be shortened? Will they like it when they grow up? (Oh, wait! I guess that doesn't apply to felines). Anyway, you get my drift, I like to think about names and be sure I get a good one. Here are my 2 cat's stories and then tell me yours!

    My oldest cat is Romeo. I adopted him when I was thoroughly disgusted with dating and relationships in my own life (I was divorced at 40 and dating again in my 50s). I looked at this little kitten and thought, YOU are my Romeo, my only true love....silly? perhaps. I am also a dramatic, artistic type person and thought of the characters in Romeo and Juliet and named my beta fish at the time..Juliet!

    Well 5 years later, when Juliet had expired, I adopted another male kitten. Wanting to keep in the tradition of Shakespeare's play, I researched all the male names....Escalus, Mercutio, Tybalt or Petruchio? Oh my goodness, NO! Benvolio (and call him Benny), Romeo's cousin was the only one worth considering and it just didn't do it for me.

    Then I had a brainstorm! The musical version of Romeo and Juliet is "West Side Story" and after looking at the character names, found the perfect name...RIFF who was Tony's best friend and the two names Romeo and Riff went so well together. For those of you not in the theatre-know, Tony is the equivilent of Romeo in the musical version.

    So that is MY story of how I named Romeo (7 year old, 18 pound grey and white tuxedo cat) and Riff (2 year old, 16 pound grey "Russian Blue type" cat).
    SallyintheValley41, Jan 20, 2012
  2. SallyintheValley41

    magickat Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    My husband named our cat Savage when she was born as he just liked the name but we've shortened it to Savvy as she has turned out to be the most gentle and sweet natured cat you can imagine! Smudge has a dark marking on her nose that inspired her name. Poppy was already named when we adopted her. Pawsie, Blackberry and Tiger-Paws just evolved from a number of nicknames we had for them lol
    magickat, Jan 20, 2012
  3. SallyintheValley41

    Belligerent Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    My cat Mama wasn't named by me.. she was my father-in-law's cat and her real name is Mi Ling but he would always call her "Mama" because she was the mama cat to her kittens.

    My previous cat Katamari was named after the video game. My cat Stitches/Sally was named after the character Sally in "Nightmare Before Christmas."

    I had a cat named Simba, after the lion in "The Lion King" and Rose after Rose in "Titanic". I had a Lily who was named a flower name to match my cat Rose. Sugar was named "Sugar Boots" but shortened to sugar because she was a tabby with white feet and it looked like she stepped in sugar. We found a brother and sister cat at my dad's work and named them Star & Stripe. We got a cat named Snuggles who we named because she was so cuddly. After a week, so no longer wanted to cuddle.. EVER. LOL I've had tons of cats.
    Belligerent, Jan 21, 2012
  4. SallyintheValley41

    magickat Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    You have had a lot of cats, all with lovely names. I especially like Sugar Paws :)
    magickat, Jan 21, 2012
    Belligerent likes this.
  5. SallyintheValley41

    Belligerent Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Thank you. I've always been a huge fan of cats, and we'd often have 3 or more at a time (the most we've had at one time was six cats... and two dogs.. lol). I just have the one now, but I'm looking into adopting another one. Thank you so much.. I always have fun naming them. :)
    Belligerent, Jan 23, 2012
  6. SallyintheValley41

    magickat Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    We have 6 cats at the moment and it can be pretty chaotic, especially at feeding time lol. We were only going to have one to begin with but things have clearly snowballed since then!
    magickat, Jan 23, 2012
  7. SallyintheValley41

    SheWolfSilver Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    I have two boys both were born feral in my garage and I took them in. Booger had an upper respiratory infection when I took him in. He had really crusty eyes or eye boogers as my kids called them. Well, we got him over the infection with lots of antibiotics but not before he lost an eye. So, Booger as in eye boogers just stuck and so he became Booger. Tigger was just simple named because of his stripes and Bella was named so because of my obsession with Twilight.
    SheWolfSilver, Jan 24, 2012
  8. SallyintheValley41

    magickat Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Booger is a great name and well done for nursing him back to health :) My friend has a beautiful calico long hair kitten called Bella, she is quite a little madame though lol
    magickat, Jan 24, 2012
  9. SallyintheValley41

    SheWolfSilver Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Oh, so is mine! It must be calico thing!
    SheWolfSilver, Jan 24, 2012
  10. SallyintheValley41

    SallyintheValley41 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2012
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    Valley of the Sun, Mesa AZ
    Oh my, such good responses and I was originally only talking about present day cats...now you made me go back and remember 70 years of cats in my life! My parents told me my first pets were a lamb and 2 cats named Inky, Pinky and Stinky! The first cats I remember naming were Peter Pan and Tinkerbelle and Mr. B because he was given to my then-boyfriend-turned-hubby who's last name (and mine still) started with B. After marriage, I had Buff (from his color) Arnie (whose parents were Arthur and Minnie), "kitty" who for some strange reason never got a name, and later on as a divorced lady I had 3 cats named Butterfly, Prince Chulalongkorn, nickname: Chula (a siamese) and a big fluffy thing called Dancer. I was then going down the alphabet: Arnie, Butterfly, Chula, Dancer and never got to E. Butterfly lived to 17 years old and she was my last until my two boys now.
    SallyintheValley41, Jan 24, 2012
  11. SallyintheValley41

    steph84 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I always feel a little silly when I take my cat into see the vet or the groomer because his name is so prissy. He is a male tuxedo, maine coon and his name is Kitty Love. We all thought he was a female when we got him and even though his name is genderless, I just feel a little silly sometimes when the girls at the counter snicker and laugh. When we first got him we kept calling him "kitty" or "love" and ended up just combinging the two. He seems to like his name so we stuck with it.
    steph84, Jan 24, 2012
  12. SallyintheValley41

    SallyintheValley41 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2012
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    Valley of the Sun, Mesa AZ
    Steph that is so funny! Do you have a picture of Kitty Love? My Butterfly was a Maine Coon and my present cat Romeo is a tuxedo...would like to see the combination. Sounds neat.
    I named Butterfly her name because as a little kitten, she had so much fluff inside her stand up pointed ears, that the silhouette looked like a butterfly. I have a darling photo of her as a kitten sitting inside a basket with butterflies on it, and her ears match!
    SallyintheValley41, Jan 25, 2012
  13. SallyintheValley41

    steph84 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Hey SayllyintheValley41! Here is a picture of Kitty Love! Isn't he just a dream? He's so cute and spoiled. 0123022006.jpg 0123022006.jpg
    steph84, Jan 25, 2012
  14. SallyintheValley41

    SallyintheValley41 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2012
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    Valley of the Sun, Mesa AZ
    SallyintheValley41, Jan 26, 2012
  15. SallyintheValley41

    Victor Leigh Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
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    Long ago, I did a lot of thinking before naming my cats. Then as my cat population grew, things got out of hand. So I finally ended up calling all my cats "Mew Mew".
    Victor Leigh, Jan 26, 2012
  16. SallyintheValley41

    steph84 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Thanks! He's 5 years old, loves a lot of attention and is very, very smart. He recognizes a lot of words and is fairly easy to train. I always tell my boyfriend that I should have put him in the movies. He is a true diva.
    steph84, Jan 27, 2012
  17. SallyintheValley41

    shem Member

    Jan 29, 2012
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    My cat's name is Ming-Ming, that's what I call him. My cousin wants to call him pussy, I tell him that was a silly name. I named my cat because when it comes to feeding, he doesn't come when I call him "pussy pussy, come here pussy." My Uncle called him Ming-Ming, he responses even my Uncle don't have the food. My cat's name now is Ming-Ming, even I don't need to feed him, when I call him in his name, he comes.
    shem, Jan 29, 2012
  18. SallyintheValley41

    Sunsational Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Doodle Bug and Angel was listed at the sheltor as "Doodle" and "Spangle" because they and their mama was brought in on the 4th of July. The mom they called Liberty, there was a few others so all 4th of July naming.

    Both are all white with black tails and a little black on the ears. Angel aka Spangle is a Siamese/Persian mix, so she has longer hair, the white looked wispy to me, I just didn't like Spangle so since her fur was so soft and wispy, Angel seemed a good fit.

    Doodle Bug is Siamese/ Tabby mix her tail has Tiger stripe in it, she also has a black dot on her back near the tail. I added the bug to Doodle, cause she was kinda like a lady bug. Their mama was a Siamese, it amazed me how different males can mate and cause a litter.

    Lily is all white but with a little calico and tiger tail. I love Lillies and her markings reminded me of a Lily.
    Sunsational, Feb 1, 2012
    Belligerent likes this.
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