What if a stray came inside your house?

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by Jessi, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Jessi

    Jessi Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    So what would you do? Leave the kitty? Open the door? Shoo it out?
    Jessi, Jan 22, 2013
  2. Jessi

    CinnamonKiss Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2012
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    It's adorable! If it's nice, let it stay. If it is mean or tries to hurt our other cats, shoo it out.
    That cat looks like it lives there. So natural, in a strange environment....What if it's been coming in the person's house for a while an they just didn't know? Hahaha!
    CinnamonKiss, Jan 23, 2013
  3. Jessi

    Scottyxx Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Me and my roommates found a cat once, we were not sure if it was a stray, but it was so docile and gentle, we assume it was a pet. It looked as though it had been hit by a car, poor thing, so what we did was package it up and put it into a box to calm down, and called the humane society. The reason we did the box thing is I had just gotten Bandit and Pussington and I was really really worried they might catch something from the cat, or that Bandit might get into a fight with it trying to defend his territory!
    Scottyxx, Jan 23, 2013
    CinnamonKiss likes this.
  4. Jessi

    ACSAPA Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Miami, FL
    The cat in the sink is adorable and I would totally keep it, unless it had some kind of tag identifying it as a pet, in which case I would call the owners.
    I would be happy to find something that cute in my sink.
    All I ever find in my sink are my daughter's dirty dishes.
    ACSAPA, Jan 23, 2013
  5. Jessi

    shdws Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    I've had a cat just walk into my house and make itself at home. I didn't have the heart to kick him out. He became my room mate. :D
    shdws, Jan 23, 2013
  6. Jessi

    Jessi Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    I bet it does! It probably comes through the window to get water out of the sink. S/he has probably been stealing midnight drinks and they had no idea!
    Jessi, Jan 24, 2013
  7. Jessi

    blurinoctober Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2012
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    If I found a cat in my house that was that calmly behaved? I'd probably take it to the vet and then end up keeping it as a pet. If it was acting mean or anything, I'd shoo it out to the best of my ability! This is all, of course, if there was no collar. Either way, if there was, I'd try to keep it for the night and call the owner in the morning.
    blurinoctober, Jan 24, 2013
  8. Jessi

    CinnamonKiss Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2012
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    Makes total sense, our own cats have tried to drink out of the sink before, so why not a strange cat! That cat is incredibly crafty if it has been, and there's no telling how long it's been going on. The humans should install one of those cameras to see how all of that is going down at night and what all the cat is getting up to.
    CinnamonKiss, Jan 24, 2013
    blurinoctober likes this.
  9. Jessi

    Lex Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    It would definitely depend! If the cat is nice to my other cats/my dogs and checked out at the vet, I'd let it stay. I'm not exactly one to turn away stray animals, you see, I'm a sucker. However, if the cat is mean? I'm - well, I'm not sure what I'd do. I'd probably take it into a shelter (no kill!) or something. It's possible that I'd just shoo them out of the house, but I don't know if I could.
    Lex, Jan 28, 2013
  10. Jessi

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    If it was the cat in the pic... I'd let it stay :p Probably, he is just so adorable! But in reality, well, I'd not like a dirty stray cat to be in my house, I love cats and everything, but isn't healthy at all to let stray cats into your house, not at all. I have seen cats that are not completely strays with words hanging out of their butts... so NO THANKS! I take really good care of mine, I'd never expose him and myself and the rest of the family to that, yuck!
    Trellum, Mar 16, 2015
  11. Jessi

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    Everyone needs to know that I am still quite green when it comes to cats. I was only converted more than a year ago. That being the case I have no doubt I would petrified. I would be running especially if it's black. While the admiration is growing, I still have some ways to go.
    Anne, Mar 17, 2015
  12. Jessi

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Lol, sorry, I meant WORMS!!!! Not words!!!! And I'm not kidding, folks, if you live in an area where there are a lot mice and your cat catches and eat them often, then odds are your cats might be loaded with worms. I saw that happen with a semi-stray cat, please notice I use this term very loosely, because for me any cat that sends some time outside even tho it has a home is a semi stray to me.
    Trellum, Mar 17, 2015
  13. Jessi

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Oh my God. Worms hanging from their butts? That would freak me out. I need to really get over it but I have such regrets about letting Twinkle go outside. If I share some more confessions, I'd have to say one of the reasons I eventually allowed her to go outside was so he could relieve himself. Unlike the dogs, he would not immediately return after. He ventured out further. I never saw him as a "semi stray" but maybe that is what I made him.:(
    Anne, Mar 17, 2015
  14. Jessi

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Don't blame yourself :) Kitties love exploring, I actually let my cat out a lot before, in the beginning he was free to roam, because it was easier for him to find a place where to... lol, but he made a lot enemies thanks to that. He made the lady neighbor mad a couple of times because he liked to do his business in her garden a couple times. He did it in mine too sometimes.

    The real reason I made him an indoor cat was the fact a neighbor several houses away was poisoning the cats from the neighborhood! Long story short, no more stray cats.. haven't seen any cat in a long time. I was horrified when I was told about it by my dad, because he knew the guy, so he warned me.

    I no longer let Bob out, I don't trust the neighbors anymore, not after this. All of Bob's friends are dead :( By the way, you can prevent the worms hanging from the butt thingy, just give your next kitty his/her deworming pill on time. My friend's mom forgot it once and well.. there they were the wormies...
    Trellum, Mar 18, 2015
  15. Jessi

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    My childhood memories are a bit fuzzy but I feel like I have either heard or experienced this worm thing as a child. That might have contributed to my distance where cats were concerned. All the chatting is bringing things back to mind. I was super scornful and somehow remember vaguely worm talk.

    Anyway, about the indoor situation, I thought your Bob was always indoors. I did not realize that the "serial cat killer" forced your hands. Could it be proven that he killed the cats? Yet I think you said he still gets off scotch free.:)

    About the cat mess, once I let my Twinkle out I wondered if she left it in my yard or if she went and put it on other people's property. Sometimes I would go searching and not find it.I also have a garden which I don't venture into much as I am very afraid of lots of crawling things. I just prayed she did not take that "Ralph Lauren" smelling poop at another house:eek:,

    Still I am fair, and would not like to think Twinkle would mess in the neighbors yard and not upset them. The thing is if the shoes were on the other feet, I could not kill the cat, I would walk the area and find out who the cat belonged to and "file a report". If I got no action I would have called the authorities.

    Twinkle stood out. They had to know she came from a decent home and could not be a stray. I took care of him and he looked healthy. He also never roamed the streets in the day and it was not every night I let him out. Anyway, I am typing too much.:) I get carried away talking about him.
    Anne, Mar 18, 2015
  16. Jessi

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Yeah, he got away with it, and I'm PRETTY sure he did poison the cats, he told my dad! No more cats in the neighborhood. Nothing was done against this guy, because this did NOT happen in the US. If it had happened to the US I bet he'd have gotten a couple years behind bars. I'm glad I am moving out from here.

    I think the guy didn't know which cat was messing his garden, and I doubt he cared to find out, some people only think about themselves and solve their problems fast. This ''man'' is one of those people. By the way, he is very anti social, he is a senior.

    When you let cats wander outdoors it's almost given they'll mess someone's garden ;) I'm personally glad I no longer let mine out, but it was so hard in the beginning, because Bob couldn't understand why I didn't let him out anymore. Now he is fine, more needy but fine :)

    Don't worry, we start doing that when we talk about those we love =D I bet your twinkle did stand out from the crowd! He had such a nice coat :)
    Trellum, Mar 19, 2015
  17. Jessi

    morgoodie Member

    Feb 28, 2016
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    I have had a couple of strays come to the door and cry to be let in. I did let them in because it was so sad to hear them cry. Fortunately, I was able to find both of them a good home where they are loved and have other cats as friends. I am a sucker for an animal in distress and will do what I can to help them.
    morgoodie, Mar 5, 2016
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