What are your cats' names?

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by MarshCat, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. MarshCat

    HeartForCats New Member

    Nov 1, 2017
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    My first cat was Emily because I liked the name and wanted it to be unique. She was a B/W shorthair. Cat #2 was a brown/white classic tabby. Her official name was Patricia, but I often called her Pattycakes. She responded to both, turning her head to look at me. My third cat's name was Wilbur at the shelter and I had no reason to change it. The name fit him because he hate like a pig. Daisy (pictured) was Aspen at the shelter, which I did not like because I am not in a region that has aspen trees. I wanted an Italian name for her, but did not like any of them and settled on an extremely common name only because it fits her.
    HeartForCats, Nov 1, 2017
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