Sleeping with your cat?

Discussion in 'Behaviour & Training' started by HappyRocinante, May 16, 2012.

  1. HappyRocinante

    HappyRocinante Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2012
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    When I go to bed, I generally try to keep the cats out of the bedroom. I toss and turn so much and am such a light sleeper, I can't sleep with the cats wanting to sleep on my feet and getting up several times every night. Of couse, Mouth thinks he is an alarm clock and makes sure to scratch on the door when he thinks I have slept enough.

    I did have one cat who used to sleep right next to me. She refused to sleep in another room and would just sit and meow at the door until I let her in. She would sleep right next to my side which made it really hard to turn around when I needed to. But is was really sweet. :) So do you let your cats sleep with you?
    HappyRocinante, May 16, 2012
  2. HappyRocinante

    Mystique Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Cape Town
    Aawww Mouth reminds me of my cats when I was around 10 or 11. We had a few back then, and every morning, they would scratch the doors (my brothers and I would leave our doors slightly opened) and then, they would licked us or purred heavily, I think that was their way of saying "WAKE UP, WE ARE HUNGRY!" :D

    Right now, Snowy doesn't want to sleep with us because of the new cat, Azzario. However, when she did sleep with us, she was a heavy sleeper - lol. She hardly moves once she finds a comfortable spot, usually at the edge of our bed or near our feet. She would sleep on my boyfriend's side as well. Azzario still hasn't gotten used the house, so he prefers sleeping downstairs - for now. I don't mind my cats sleeping with me... I know some people would rather have their cats sleep elsewhere.
    Mystique, May 16, 2012
  3. HappyRocinante

    violino Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2012
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    When I go to bed my cats come and lie down on my legs. Months ago they used to do this only when I already fell asleep because they couldn't stand me fidgeting. Now they are more patient ;) And in the morning I can find one of them in one corner of my bed.
    violino, May 16, 2012
  4. HappyRocinante

    tajnz Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    I don't currently have a cat but growing up one my cats would purr at my door until I let her in too. I'm a light sleeper and couldn't ignore her as she'd simply keep meowing until I fetched her. She also tried to sleep with my mum but my mum had a slight allergy to her. :(
    tajnz, Jun 6, 2012
  5. HappyRocinante

    Jessi Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    I do. I will kick the youngest out sometimes if she decides what she really wants to do is sit on my belly....and clean herself instead of sleeping. In the middle of the night, the scratching of cat tongue slurping across her body or me? No thanks. It gets so loud!
    Jessi, Jun 10, 2012
  6. HappyRocinante

    S.O. Price Active Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    I do. I have to rotate who sleeps with me though because 2 of my cats don't get along all that well and they need to be separated from each other when I'm not able to watch them. Sometimes it's kind of a pain to have them sleep with me because they might make some noise. I usually only have to say, "QUIET!" I'm so nice to them 99% of the time, so when I command them to be quiet they know I really mean it and they had better stop what they are doing. If I don't have them sleep with me, they usually sit outside the door in the morning and bug me until I get up.

    But most of the time, they are great to sleep with. They are quiet and cuddly and I know they enjoy sleeping with me too.
    S.O. Price, Jun 12, 2012
  7. HappyRocinante

    Victor Leigh Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
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    My cats sleep with me or I sleep with my cats. I suppose it works both ways. Maybe it's because it's still better than sleeping alone?
    Victor Leigh, Jun 13, 2012
  8. HappyRocinante

    violino Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2012
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    My younger one tries sometimes to play in the middle of the night. Or just find something.. I have no idea. But she moves.. hersefl and things on the shelves, she touches things and it's sooo annoying.
    But lately she's always next to my head when I wake up.
    violino, Jun 13, 2012
  9. HappyRocinante

    S.O. Price Active Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    I have 3 cats and I used to alternate my nights with each one. One of them was such a pain to sleep with for the first year and a half. EVERY TIME I would shift positions in my sleep, she thought it meant I was waking up and she would always get up and try to nuzzle me to see if I was awake. It was so annoying! She FINALLY caught on that just because mama moves around in her sleep it doesn't mean it's time to wake up!
    S.O. Price, Jun 14, 2012
  10. HappyRocinante

    Epicfied Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
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    I usually don't any more. I used to always sleep with Neko. She started waking me up at like 4am though. It got annoying.
    She usually sleeps on my belly or right next to me. If I'm laying on my stomach, sometimes she sleeps on my back.
    Epicfied, Jun 15, 2012
  11. HappyRocinante

    steph84 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I would sleep AROUND my cat. I was so scared of smashing him so I would just sleep around him then I realized that I deserve that sleep time. Now I don't like any pets in my room. I need my beauty rest!
    steph84, Jun 15, 2012
  12. HappyRocinante

    violino Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2012
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    When Mitra did it - she started playing in the middle of the night of early morning - I kicked her off, I took her to the different room and went to sleep again. But in the morning (MY morning) the first thing I did was to let the poor cat out...
    violino, Jun 15, 2012
  13. HappyRocinante

    Victor Leigh Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
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    For those who would rather sleep without a furry bedmate, I would suggest getting a cage for your cat.

    Don't make it like it's a prison. Start by feeding the cat near the cage, then inside the cage. And put the cat's favorite things inside, too. Like it's favorite toys and favorite bedding.

    So, at night, you put your cat in its bedroom before you retire to yours. So much safer to have a cat inside its cage. For one, you don't have to worry about it knocking anything off the shelves while you are asleep.

    Remember not to make the cage like a prison.
    Victor Leigh, Jun 17, 2012
  14. HappyRocinante

    Mystique Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Cape Town
    Snowy does not sleep with us anymore because she has been sick lately and we need to keep her separated from Azzario and the new addition, Zopie. To be honest, I miss sleeping with her and right now, it does not look like she's getting any better. Zopie changes his routine - sometimes he sleeps under our bed, sometimes right next to me, or in their room next door. You know, since Snowy got sick, Azzario has been sleeping on the couch next to the room where Snowy is confined to.. I think that is so sweet.
    Mystique, Jun 18, 2012
  15. HappyRocinante

    Epicfied Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
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    I sleep with my door shut so Neko would want out of my room for a minute and would just meow until I let her out.
    I've also been woken up to give the cat attention. That's kind of annoying too.
    Epicfied, Jun 23, 2012
  16. HappyRocinante

    QuatreHiead Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I've always had night kitties. I could almost never get them to sit still long enough and just go to sleep. Especially my girl. She would roam and wander all about the room and get into everything. I wouldn't mind if she didn't seem to develop a habit of marking things in one not so pleasant way or another. I never quite got what made her so night time antsy.

    It especially sucked at first to kick her out of my room because I couldn't take it. She would meow and mewl the entire night in the hallway like calling for a long lost lover. Stranglely the moment you come out of the room and ask her what's wrong she'd just meow innocent like as if asking "what do you mean?"

    As adorable as it was I admit it made me a little cranky. But you can never stay mad when she got the purring all happy you emerged to love on her.
    QuatreHiead, Jun 30, 2012
  17. HappyRocinante

    violino Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2012
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    I don't buy it. I don't buy it at all.
    If cats sleep like we do, at night only, that' would make sense. But as they sleep some part of the night (as well as the day), and sometimes they go to eat something, to the toilet, just to play a little bit - I'd say closed cage is still a prison.
    violino, Jul 9, 2012
  18. HappyRocinante

    Victor Leigh Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
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    Well, the cat is not put into the cage 24/7. I am only suggesting that it's put in there at night, so that you can have a good night's sleep. Of course, if you can sleep without worrying about your cat getting up to any mischief, then there's no reason to put it inside a cage.
    Victor Leigh, Jul 9, 2012
  19. HappyRocinante

    violino Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2012
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    Victor, I didn't write about 24/7. I wrote about night hours only. Still it IS a prison. Whether it's because you don't like them :p or you can't sleep when they're around. The reason doesn't matter.

    Yestarday I slept on a floor and my cats on my bed.. That must have looked funny :D
    violino, Jul 10, 2012
  20. HappyRocinante

    Victor Leigh Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
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    Don't worry about me. I sleep with my cats. On my bed. That was just an idea for other people.
    Victor Leigh, Jul 10, 2012
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