Schedule changes and less time is available to spend with your cats

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by Herman&Eddie, May 9, 2015.

  1. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I do feel a little guilty because our time together schedule has changed. It seems to be especially hard for Eddie. She is my little buddy and misses our time together. I am outside much more nowadays. As soon as, I come inside she is ready for me to sit down, so she can sit on my lap. She gets right up next to my shoulders, like she is giving me a hug. :) Herman, on the other hand, just hopes it is feeding time. :D

    Anyone else feel a little guilty, when your schedule changes with less time is available to spend with your cats?
    Herman&Eddie, May 9, 2015
  2. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Yes! Bob resents me a little every time I have to go out and leave him home, this started happening since he became an indoors cat! So every time I come back from outside he behaves like im not even there. He starts to warm up a little later or when I give him something to eat.
    Trellum, May 9, 2015
    Herman&Eddie likes this.
  3. Herman&Eddie

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    Oh yes. Well with Twinkle gone, it's just the dogs now but when he was alive I hated when I had to be gone long hours and leave him alone. I'm glad he did not get much of the nine to nine days. I remember when I would return home in the late evenings Twinkle would greet me at the door he and all the dogs and he would roll over for me to play with his stomach, let me find a resting place and then join me. What a thing it was.
    Anne, May 10, 2015
    Herman&Eddie likes this.
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