New Cat Competition made By:Me Mocha&Latte+Free Cat Card To The Winner Ends By The end of february

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by Mocha&Latte, Feb 9, 2014.


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  1. Mocha&Latte

    Mocha&Latte Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Im starting a new cat competition. This is my own personal competition and is not's competition.

    if you want to enter, All you have to do is like this post. Then, you have to take a picture of your cat and make sure it is perfect and very cute. You have to post the picture below in the comment section. You also have to say your cats name below, so I could put it on the card.Easy!

    . The best cat picture will win.The winner will get a free printable card with your cats very own picture on it ( the picture will be the picture which u entered into the competition and in the comments below) . I will make a new Thread on whoever wins and I will send them the card on here. All they have to do it download it and put it into Microsoft word and Print it out themselves. I will not mail anything though, unfortunately.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to state it below.

    All the Participants will be stated in another thread and will also be congratulated.

    So , Gather Up Everybody, and take a picture of your cat! Ends by February 30!
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
    Mocha&Latte, Feb 9, 2014
    steph84 likes this.
  2. Mocha&Latte

    steph84 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Cool contest Mocha&Latte! This is a picture of my Kitty Love sitting on his cheetah sheet. He was taking a nap, but woke up for a minute to snap some pictures.

    Attached Files:

    steph84, Feb 24, 2014
  3. Mocha&Latte

    Mocha&Latte Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2014
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    That's a cute kitty you got there! Thanks for Joining. I really appreciate it!:)
    Mocha&Latte, Feb 25, 2014
  4. Mocha&Latte

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Here is a picture of my Bob when he was younger, i post this because this is one of my favorite pics of him and is funny to see him in that pot! (Because that was my dad's plant pot and he really liked that plant!). But Bob could never give up his spot!

    Trellum, Mar 4, 2014
    Becky likes this.
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