Neighbors back yard.

Discussion in 'Pictures and Videos' started by Beth23, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Beth23

    Beth23 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2012
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    [​IMG]These are not my cats :D

    This picture was taken last week from the deck of my neighbors house in CT. Seems a family of bobcats took up residence when they were away on vacation.

    They are totally unafraid of us. Of course we all steer clear of them but it is a little scary seeing them this close to the house. They watch us as much as we do them. We called the department of environmental protection and the biologist said wait till the babies get a little bigger and they will leave on there own. Usually the female will then move on as well. We are seeing more and more bobcats in our area over the last 5 years. They were always native to this area but it was rare to actually see them. As the development of woodland areas increases they are coming closer and closer to people and homes.

    Even though they are scary and you should never ever approach one they are so beautiful to watch I thought I would share the photos.


    Beth23, Aug 12, 2012
  2. Beth23

    Victor Leigh Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
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    Has anyone ever domesticated bobcats?

    With their natural habitats decreasing in size all the time, many wild animals are getting closer and closer to human settlements. The time may come when some of them might be as common as, say, feral cats. I did read a news item about foxes which have come into town.
    Victor Leigh, Aug 12, 2012
  3. Beth23

    ACSAPA Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Miami, FL
    In spite of them being wild and scary, it is pretty cool that you got to see them so close up. I live in the city in Miami,FL so all I see are occasional manatees swimming around, ducks and one alligator. I've never seen a bobcat in real life. Those photos are kind of amazing. How often does one get to witness a wild cat on a child's swing set? That doesn't happen every day.
    ACSAPA, Aug 14, 2012
  4. Beth23

    Beth23 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2012
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    I am sure someone has but I have never met anyone who has. People try to domesticate all sorts of animals We are getting all sorts of wildlife that we never noticed around here before. I think this is why the bobcats and the coyotes are coming close to the houses now. They are searching for food.

    We now have fisher cats as well and they could be hunting those. Fisher cats are not cats they are more like weasels. They have this god awful high pitched scream that sounds like a women being murdered in the woods. If you go on YouTube you can hear one just search fisher cat. We just started hearing them a few years ago for the first time and that year 911 got so many calls they had to put out bulletins explaining what that odd screaming coming from the woods was.

    Lord if I saw an alligator I would faint. That is one animal I am terrified of. I suppose people who live close to them get used to it though.

    Beth23, Aug 14, 2012
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