I have three beautiful Ragdoll cats. They never go outside. They're the sweetest cats I've ever had. Margie is my oldest, at 12. She's a very big cat, weighing in at 18 pounds. She's a flame point. Next is Mojito, who is 3 years old, very mild-mannered and somewhat shy. He's a mitted lynx raggie. The youngest is Jack. He's a bicolor and is totally different from the other two. He's anything but shy and has no limits to what he'll get into, and now Mojito follows. Three are enough, but I've gotten myself very attached to a sweet homeless male, Blackie, whom I've fed and sheltered for the last year or so. He'd come to my door when he got beaten up and I nursed him back to health. Recently he was so badly beaten I took him to the vet for antibiotics and later had him neutered. Poor guy, he's such a sweet boy but he is still getting beaten in his own yard and garage by another cat from the neighborhood. I can't keep him inside because he tested positive for FIV and my indoor cats could get it. For the same reason, he is not adoptable. So I've posted a question about how to give Blackie a good life without being beaten regularly by a neighborhood bully. I'll greatly appreciate ideas. It's Blackie's only chance I fear.