My cat stopped eating wet food

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by april222, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. april222

    april222 Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    Duluth Mn
    Has your cat ever suddenly stopped eating wet food? My cat Rusty has, only he still begs for it, I give to him and he puts his nose up to it and walks away. I have tried about every brand and variation available only to receive the same results. I know I probably don't need to be too concerned as he still eats his dry food just fine. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks
    april222, Apr 15, 2012
  2. april222

    kinser Active Member

    Apr 13, 2012
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    I wish I had advice, but my cat did the same thing. He would meow and beg in the morning, when I used to give him his wet food, but then would barely touch it. It helped a little when I switched from Natural Balance to Wellness, but sometimes it wouldn't matter what the brand was. I just ended up feeding him more dry food, like you mentioned. But it was frustrating to spend so much on canned food and have him refuse it after it was opened. My dogs had no problem finishing it, though.
    kinser, Apr 17, 2012
  3. april222

    april222 Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    Duluth Mn
    It has always been said that cats are picky. I have two and up until now neither have been picky, I guess I was lucky to make it this long with cats that would eat anything. On the upside, dry food probably has less fat than wet food does.
    april222, Apr 18, 2012
  4. april222

    Jessi Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    I wonder why he still begs for it if he doesn't actually like it any more. Maybe his favorite kind actually changed the formula? Hopefully he'll just stop asking for it and you won't have to worry about it, since he's already eating dry food otherwise anyway.
    Jessi, Apr 18, 2012
  5. april222

    magickat Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    I would just keep giving him the dry food and perhaps treat hime to some tuna or fresh chicken every now and then if he likes it.
    magickat, Apr 18, 2012
  6. april222

    Jenny Heart Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    I used to have a similar problem, until I put some wet food on top of the dry food. I would buy a cat food that was soft and looked like it would be one that my cat would love. I'd buy turkey with gravy, or ones similar to that. I would put about a teaspoon of this food onto the dry food, and it would work like a charm. Hope this will help the problem.Just put some dry food on a plate, then, put the soft food on top of it, and mix it up, so all the dry food has a nice coating.
    Jenny Heart, May 11, 2012
  7. april222

    violino Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2012
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    My cats don't eat anything except dry food. They just don't touch anything else even if they look at me with those sad eyes when I've got something nice (chicken or different kind of meat). But I got used to it and I don't bother anymore. Like april222 said, cats are choosy and I don't think there's anything to worry about. I'd be worried if they wouldn't eat at all, but if they eat.. that's fine.
    violino, May 14, 2012
  8. april222

    HappyRocinante Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2012
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    I have had that same problem recently! I have tried a few different brands just to see if he is looking for something different but he just doesn't seem interested. I have tried to give him like some fresh tuna or chicken but he won't touch it. What brand do you normally buy? I wonder if there is something wrong? I usually buy 9Lives.. the shredded ones because they don't like the pate type.

    My other cat doesn't care. He is a little trash compactor! Eats whatever I put in front of him (except the pate varieties) and even tries to catch whatever he sees go down the drain when I rinse off dinner dishes.
    HappyRocinante, May 14, 2012
  9. april222

    Leroy and Ava Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2012
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    County Durham.
    My two do thats sometimes .....sometimes I think they are just trying to see what they can get and there not really hungry.

    Somtimes they get abit fed up of eating the same thing and I just get them something different every now and one of the sheba treats just so they have had something different ....then when they come to eating there wet food Felix they enjoy it again.

    My two won't tuch some of the wiskers stuff and some they will tuch and they only will eat the flaked felix cat food....they don't like the jelly in the other one.

    Have you tryed purina one they do buscuits but have recently brought out a wet two love it.
    Leroy and Ava, Sep 26, 2012
  10. april222

    Evilsprinkles Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2012
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    I wouldn't worry too much. I don't feed my cat wet food, as the sheer amount of carbs and water in it can cause massive weight gain and I find they vomit it up afterwards. Dry food is perfectly fine for cats, as long as they've got plenty of water. It's actually preferable, provided it's a GOOD quality dry complete food, and not a cheap one with fillers. I'm sure he'll be just fine regardless. :)
    Evilsprinkles, Sep 26, 2012
  11. april222

    andrew320 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    Try to give them just a tiny bit and mix it up with dry food. Good quality is very important. I'm sure if you go to Pet Smart, you will find natural products that will help them in eating wet food. Avoid buying products that contain corn or mechanically processed chicken or even things that don't consist of much vegetables. Also, try to always get them to eat fish because they like fish more than meat (from my experience anyway).

    It seems like your cat just had a bad experience and has to get used to eating wet food. It's not a must, but it's good for them to eat wet food once a week or a couple of times a month. I've noticed how shiny their coats are since they started eating the natural stuff.
    andrew320, Sep 27, 2012
  12. april222

    Scottyxx Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    My cats do the same things some times. What I did was get him wet food, then press his paws into it, so he would be forced to clean them and taste it. This might work in stimulating him about the yummy taste of wet food. If that doesnt work, you can also try sprinkling the kibble on top of the wet food, to trick him into eating it.

    What I find is my cat does not like the texture of wet food. Unless I mix it with water and make it into a soup for her she wont eat it. When my boy cat was sick, he would not even touch it, unless i either rubbed it on his nose / paw to show him it was safe.
    Scottyxx, Sep 28, 2012
  13. april222

    OhioTom76 Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Our cat has been doing this too, in fact she just did it this morning. She gets so excited and follows me into the kitchen meowing, then inhales it and barfs it back up. She's already very overweight to begin with, so I'm not too worried about it right now, but I don't want her to get weak from not keeping food down either. She's certainly eating the dry food throughout the day though.
    OhioTom76, Oct 1, 2012
  14. april222

    Scottyxx Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Dehydration might be more of an issue than the food, as throwing up dehydrates you pretty quickly. Check the gum colour of the cat, you want a bright pink colour, if anything dull or even grey your cat is dehydrated and needs water.
    Scottyxx, Oct 1, 2012
  15. april222

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    I've always given my cat dry food, but from time to time I like to give him some wet food as a treat. I have never given this to him daily, as I said just as a treat. He loves it.
    Trellum, Jan 16, 2014
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