Moving to a New Home

Discussion in 'Behaviour & Training' started by Herman&Eddie, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    We are getting ready to relocate our cats soon. I was wondering, if anyone that has had to move their cat. How they handled the new environment? I know our cats do not like to ride in the car. They think this means a trip to the veterinarian. Any advice, appreciated. I think it is going to be very stressful on one of cats that runs and hides every-time we have company!
    Herman&Eddie, Mar 31, 2015
  2. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    I'll be moving soon (I hope), so I'm about to find out how easy or how hard it can be for my cat this huge change. In my case I'll be moving to a different continent, lol. No problem tho, my cat is no longer an outdoors one, but I guess the new house might be confusing for him.
    Trellum, Apr 14, 2015
  3. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Oh, how exciting for you! You simply must stay in touch! That is the beauty of the internet, you can write from all over the world! I bet you are busy not only with making all the arrangements for yourself, but for your Bob! There are quite a few little details that need to be checked off the list when taking your pet on to an airplane! Are you feeling overwhelmed or you quite organized and have a list to check off?

    I will be looking forward to finding out all about your adventure when it occurs and how Bob adapts to his new home environment! Sometimes, I catch myself getting a bit sad to be uprooting Herman and Eddie from their familiar surroundings, but, after all life is an adventure!
    Herman&Eddie, Apr 14, 2015
  4. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Well, right now I'm still studying for my exams, after that I'll arrange everything. But I have heard they are so strict in the European union with pets, so I'll most likely need to get several documents and get a cat passport. So they see everything is fine with him, he is not diseased. Good thing is that I won't have to pay tax for him every year, but for dogs it's 70 euros a year.

    It indeed is!! Life is an adventure and I really think we should all try to make the most of it :) I'm trying to be more grateful lately, even tho my health hasn't been good lately, but hey... at least I am alive! I'll surely talk about it here!! I'm sure Bob will notice the change in the weather... not planing to let him out!!! Plus the canals might make him nervous....
    Trellum, Apr 15, 2015
  5. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Are you going to Italy or up in the Netherlands?
    My two all time places that I have not been to, yet!
    I did spend a year over in Germany, and visited some other countries, but did not make it to these two regions!

    Just think your Bob is going to be a world traveler! :cool:

    My brother and family just got back from spending five years over there, two in Italy. It was a lot of leg work to get their dog back over here, and they had to find a new home for their cat. :( Thankfully, it was a friend and their cat already was familiar with their new owner!

    Yes, keep the good attitude going and your health will be sure to follow. I am a big believer in the body mind connection. Plus, good luck on your exams. Even though, I am older, I am rocken it with some college classes, and it is crunch time!
    Herman&Eddie, Apr 15, 2015
  6. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    The Netherlands, hehehe! I need to pass the inburgering cursus before I can get my permit tho, so we will see hoe it goes ;) So far so good, but I knew this year would be super busy anyway. I spend a lot time studying, or at least I try to, hehehe!

    Really? Were there working? Never been to Italy, I've heard the food there is amazing! I heard they make great pizzas and gelattos. Must be nice to live there too! To be honest I'm a bit scared about the moving... so far the Dutch society doesn't seem the most welcoming or nice one. I felt much better in Scandinavia.

    Why did they have to abandon the cat exactly?

    Thank you, I feel much better today, even better than yesterday :D
    Trellum, Apr 16, 2015
  7. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Netherlands! I am sure you will adapt, make wonderful memories and friends! Before you know it you will have your semester done. Sure you will do fine on your end of course work! Keep up the studying, but don't forget to stop by here. too! ;) Glad you are feeling better! Keep us informed on how it goes getting all of Bob's paperwork done, too!

    By brother finished his tour of duties and retired from the Armed Forces. My husband also served years ago, that is why I got to go overseas. Anyways, they left their cat behind because one of my nieces good friends fell in love with the her. (forgot cats name, oops!) Plus, I think they had their hands full with their dog and all their luggage. etc etc I am so excited to see them all soon! Pretty sure the will have another cat in the house, by the times I get there, as they just finished all their paperwork for their new home. They are big cat lovers, too!

    P.S. Yes to Italian food, my husband is Italian and the best cook ever!
    Herman&Eddie, Apr 17, 2015
  8. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Thank you, I sure hope so! I'm actually hoping the doctors listen to me there more than they do here. So I hope I can kill two birds with a stone while I'm there. To be honest I think it'll be tough to bring Bob along, but my mom won't take him... she hates cats and thinks they're evil Satan's helpers, lol. Doesn't help Bob is an all black cat that tends to stare. He makes her feel uncomfortable.

    Oh, so the armed forces? Most of the Americans I met when I was younger in Europe were stationed there for their country ;) Very nice, wonder if most of them really want to go back home? I know I didn't want to go back home when I was leaving Norway.
    Trellum, Apr 17, 2015
  9. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Oh, I did not know your Bob was a black cat! That makes him even cooler! My kids first cat, Sally was also a black cat! She ran away out into the country side! We think she found a farm with cows and liked their milk! Well, at least that is the story I told me children, and I am sticking to it! Hmm, got to admit we have used that line a lot over the years. My mom came up with the idea to tell it to all her grandchildren, when a cat came up missing!

    I hear you about how some people just do not want you to leave a cat behind. When we go to my parents for the summer, it would have been so much easier for my husband to take them in at our our other house. But he said NO! sigh Oh well, we would miss them dearly, anyway. Just like you would Bob!

    You are already world traveler! Norway! Guess this is bob's first trip overseas?

    And yes to the doctors!

    P.S Other countries fun,makes you the wiser person, but home is good, too.
    Herman&Eddie, Apr 17, 2015
  10. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Oh that is so sweet!!! I love that story, if a cat ever goes missing (when I have children) I will say the same story, I think it's so sweet. i think when the children are small enough isn't necessary to be too honest, that kind of little white lies are a nice way to protect their feelings. Sadly my parents didn't do that when I was little.

    I couldn't take Bob to Scandinavia (working) with me, but my grandma who tolerated cats was still alive, so she didn't mind. She wasn't as superstitious as my mom. Now it's different because I'll be staying in Europe for food (I hope). It's both exciting and terrifying!
    Trellum, Apr 18, 2015
  11. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Not sure, what you mean for staying in Europe for food? You must be going over there to work and not just eat the food, right? Hmm, do you ever give your Bob any scraps from the table? Not sure, if this is healthy for a cat! At the same time, Bob would be able to taste a little bit of a different cuisine, too!

    Too, bad your mom is superstitious! I wonder how many people feel this way!

    By all means, feel free to share the "little white lie" with your future children. Besides, who is to say, that it is not true!
    Herman&Eddie, Apr 18, 2015
  12. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Sorry, I meant staying in Europe for GOOD, lol. Meaning I'll not be leaving again. I'll be staying this time, I already know where I'll be working.
    Trellum, Apr 18, 2015
    Herman&Eddie likes this.
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