Meet my tribe

Discussion in 'Meet My Cat' started by Micheleteresa, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. Micheleteresa

    Micheleteresa Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    [​IMG] SunnyGirl
    [​IMG] Trinity
    [​IMG] Edge II
    [​IMG] Precious
    [​IMG] Piffy

    SunnyGirl Is about six years old, I had her since she was two weeks old after my ex saved her from two big dogs when we lived in Puerto Rico.

    Trinity I have had a little over a month, She is 5 years old, I adopted her the same day she was to be eauthanized, she had a respitory infection and pink eye and we are still working on resolving a fungal skin problem.

    Edge and Piffy are brothers, they will be 8 month old on Dec 1st and where born in my yard to a stray momma.

    Precious is a year old and was found in a restaurant parking lot near my moms house when just a little itty bitty.
    Micheleteresa, Nov 22, 2011
  2. Micheleteresa

    Becky Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    It looks like the site you have linked from requires a log in, so unfortunately we can't see the pictures :( You can upload the pictures to the CatHow gallery if you want - just click here.
    Becky, Nov 23, 2011
  3. Micheleteresa

    Micheleteresa Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Sorry, I forgot my windows albums are set to only allow a few people or people with a link to view pictures, I just now changed the setting for that album to public.
    Micheleteresa, Nov 23, 2011
  4. Micheleteresa

    Yolanda Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    They are all so precious and they have amazing rescue stories. Thumbs up for helping this lovely cats!
    Yolanda, Nov 23, 2011
    Micheleteresa likes this.
  5. Micheleteresa

    Wahcashmom Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    You sure do have some really cute kitties, I love the colors of them. Hope to see you around the forum!
    Wahcashmom, Dec 15, 2011
    Micheleteresa likes this.
  6. Micheleteresa

    dkramarczyk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    Neenah, WI
    Your tribe is very beautiful. I want to steal Precious though. I've always wanted a cat that was like an orange tabby. I want a healthy, but fat or large one though. Maybe someday...
    dkramarczyk, Apr 9, 2012
    Micheleteresa likes this.
  7. Micheleteresa

    Micheleteresa Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    lol, ohhh The Tribe has grown..... sorry for such a long absence but I have been busy busy busy between work, volunteering and running my Animal rescue and foster care, The Edge of Hope. the rest of the tribe...
    Memo, rescued from Manhattan AC&C Kill list December 18 2011. Memo is 10 years old but seems much younger, he is a sweet boy who loves to eat, he is always the first one to the kitchen for breakfast and always the first done and looking for seconds, which he always gets. Memo is very fond of not only other cats but dogs as well.
    Lilo, ( lee-lee) rescued from Manhattan kill list Dec 18 2011. Lilo was profiled as hissing, growling, aggressive upon exam and unable to touch , she was just terrified, not aggressive, after a few days of talking to her and just being still and letting her sniff my hand, she decided to be friends and is now the super affectionate with people and other cats

    338381_116276018494235_116175741837596_82188_1245467783_oTinkerbell.jpg Tinkerbell (Tinker Doodle) rescued from Manhattan AC&C Jan, 1, 2012. Tink was listed as destructive, stressed and peeing on furniture. I think maybe her previous owner just did not know that litter boxes need regular changing? Tink has not peed anywhere but the litter box and is the sweetest kitty I ever meet, she loves people, other cats, dogs and will happily chirp away in deep conversation to all who will listen, includding a tweety bird plushy and her toys!
    336543_116279525160551_116175741837596_82195_1833786239_oOZ.jpg Oscar ( Oz) rescued
    from Manhattan AC&C kill list Jan 2 2012. Oz is a very sweet and mellow boy who is happy in his new home!
    431363_116297798492057_116175741837596_82305_2060307807_nBaby.jpg Baby, rescued from Manhattan AC&C kill list Jan, 17, 2012. baby was a very affectionate girl who loves belly rubs, Baby lost her battle with genetic liver disease and is no longer with us but in our hearts always 551211_241961115907939_100002821579189_422474_1480238717_nbilly handsome as ever.jpg Billy, Rescued from Manhattan Kill list, Jan 26 2012. billy was timid at first but soon decided he would rather be up on the bed...and comfortably under the covers, then hiding under it! the URI he left the shelter with developed into Pneumonia and we almost lost billy, even after three days hospitalization, he was not getting better. I took him out of the hospital and to a vet two hours away that a friend recommended, and this vet taught me how to take care of billy at home, from giving IV fluids to nebulizer treatments and syringe feeding! It took time and care , but billy is now a happy, healthy boy.
    427568_142833599171810_116175741837596_157326_2077357053_nsoulful.jpg Soulful,
    Rescued Jan 26 2012. Soulful was considered feral, she needed a lot of socialization and was terrified of humans. It took months of love and patience but now she is very sweet and affectionate . She is still skittish about strangers though

    427085_142859735835863_116175741837596_157418_2019023970_nRIO.jpg Rio, 6 years old, rescued from ACC kill list 1/25/2012.
    Rio was pretty sick and seemed to have given up when he left the ACC, but Rio is now happy and healthy. He loves people, greets everyone, even strangers, with a meow and a rub up against their leg and if you sit down he jumps in your lap and head butts you!

    547945_194725417315961_116175741837596_303861_1362705353_nTammy.jpg Tammy, Rescued from ACC Kill List May 21 2012, supposedly aggressive, in truth just fearful at first. Tammy is very sweet, confident kitty
    542360_194729360648900_116175741837596_303865_1429666428_nLiL Ollie.jpg Little Ollie, rescued May 21 2012. Little Ollie had been said to have "bite and scratch" issues, but I knew from having interacted with her when volunteering in ACC adoptions, this couldn't be a fact. when I heard she was about to go on the Kill list due to catching the URI that most cats leave the shelter with, I adopted her. she has not bitten or scratched anyone in the time I have had her!

    We also Have three dogs that we rescued from being killed , two from NYC ACC and One who will be arriving next weekend, from Floridas Animal Control Euthanization list.
    Micheleteresa, Jun 24, 2012
  8. Micheleteresa

    Micheleteresa Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    This is our most beloved Rescue Kitty who has come a long way and is living up to her name! Miracle :)
    We rescued Miracle from the AC&C kill list 3/1/2012. Miracle was underweight, had a severe URI and conjunctivitis, her eyes were glued shut due to the amount of discharge coming from her eyes. Her biggest health issue is that she has a severe heart murmur, On March 7 2012, Miricale had her first cardiologist appointment and echocardiogram. She has been diagnosed with Ventricular septal defect, something she was born with. Miracles left ventricle is enlarged and her right atrium is enlarged due to a defect that is allowing blood to flow between the two chambers of her heart at a high velocity. what all this means is Miracle was born with heart disease and will be on heart medication for life and have regular cardiologist check ups and echocardiograms . Miracles next echocardiogram will be late August/Early September, when she will be about a year old. So far, the medication is working to slow down the progression of damage to Miracles heart and we have hope that it will continue to do so. Miracle AKA Lil Mighty Might, has come a long way from the sad, sickly little kitty she was on March 1st, she seemed to have given up, but within a few short days, with some love and care, Miracle showed big improvements and we learned what a spunky little girl she really is. . The unofficial Edge of hope motto is, never give up , and we believe this little Miracle is going to live up to that motto as well as her name.
    Micheleteresa, Jun 24, 2012
  9. Micheleteresa

    tajnz Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Thanks for sharing photos of your feline tribe and your latest addition Miracle. They are all cute in their own way, by the way Trinity has some of the greenest eyes I've seen on a cat. :) As for Miracle she's a fighter that's for sure, I'm sending her good thoughts and good luck all the way from New Zealand. :D
    tajnz, Jun 26, 2012
    Micheleteresa likes this.
  10. Micheleteresa

    Micheleteresa Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Thank you for you good thought for Miracle tajnz, she definitely is a fighter. Trinity's face was so narrow in her picture posted here, now her face is round! she is the most spoiled of all my kitty's, she pretty much decides who among the others can and can not come into the bedroom and will only let Tammy and Billy sleep on the bed, everyone else she chases off the bed, at one point, when we first had her,t she would even chase my 15 year old out of my room.
    Micheleteresa, Jun 30, 2012
  11. Micheleteresa

    Victor Leigh Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
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    You are doing a great job there, Micheleteresa. So with so many new mouths to feed, how are you coping with the bills? Is there a donation fund somewhere to keep things running?
    Victor Leigh, Jun 30, 2012
  12. Micheleteresa

    Micheleteresa Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Micheleteresa, Jun 30, 2012
  13. Micheleteresa

    ACSAPA Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Miami, FL
    I was reading the old thread where you rescued Miracle because she was on a kill list. It's nice to see that she pulled through and seems to have put on some weight. All the cats look healthy and well cared for. You're doing a great job.
    ACSAPA, Aug 14, 2012
    Micheleteresa likes this.
  14. Micheleteresa

    Micheleteresa Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Hello Everyone, hope allare doing well. Miracles recent cardiology and echocardiogramm appointment went well, she is now 8 pounds, her lungs are clear, no signs of immmenent heart failure and no progression in heart damage since her last echocardiogram that was done in March 2012. her medication dosage has been increased due to her weight increase, her regular check ups will now be once a month and as long as she continues to do well, she wont have to have anothr echocardiogram for a year!

    we have also taken in 8 more fosters, 5 whose owners became homeless and three who where headto the shelter because their owner had no one to care for them for 11 days! six will be reunited with their owners next week, the two I hav had the longest, I think their owner may have abandoned them as she no longer is in contact and does not answer my emails or voice mail messages.
    Micheleteresa, Sep 10, 2012
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