In the middle of the night one night, my dog and I were sleeping and she suddenly erupted into a barking fit. I got up to see what was going on, went into the living room, and standing there on the floor was a little orange and white kitten :). Perhaps 8 weeks old. Very irregular markings as if God had spilt a bucket of orange paint on it. We have a hole under the bathtub floor, and that's how it got in. Right away I fed it, gave it water. It never left. I named it Daisy. One day my electricians wife was out here helping him on a job, she was admiring my kitten and asked it's name. I told her, and she said well, Daisy is a boy. By that time, he had grown familiar with his name and did not want to switch. So Daisy is his name. And he is a very sweet kitty!