My husband has a cat that he raised since it was born. Once we got married I have adopted her as my own! She is female Black and White cat. He named her Bobby thinking it was a male cat, but once they took her in to get spayed he found out she was a female cat. So he then called her Bobby Girl or just Bob for short. He never thought about changing to something more feminine because the name fits and she response well when called. Bobby girl is probably about 9 years old. I do not know exactly, because I was not there when she was born and my husband doesn't seem to remember the exact year. I do know that he had since before we were together, 7 years. She is super sweet and mostly just lounges around the house. But she does like to play and attack things that aren't there! She likes to be petted, but hates being held. She will also give love bites if she really like you! [ATTACH=full]235[/ATTACH]