Looking for advice, might not be able to keep my cat.

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by Virginia, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. Virginia

    Virginia New Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    I just moved in to a brand new apartment complex and because of everything happening so fast, I was never informed of the no-pet policy. I just learned about it today after I moved in and was signing the lease.

    I have a 15-year-old indoor cat that has health problems. So, I love her wish I could keep her but I don't know how long I can hide her because while my friends were helping me we turned the AC on and every time the fan kicks in we can smell gas from the machine (it's in the hall where you go from entry to the living room. Bedrooms are on the entry side, too). I might have to ask for a maintenance guy to inspect and while I could keep the bedroom door closed I can't keep my cat from suddenly meowing.

    I don't like breaking the rules, and wish I had known ahead of time. My aunt and uncle can't help me out because they won't be back in town until late next week.
    Because of her age and health I doubt anyone would adopt her. Not to mention most shelters are overcrowded with cats. I would never take her to the shelter because of what I've learned. I'm just mentioning how there are too many cats in want of a loving home.

    I can't afford to put her down - which I consider because of all she's been through. I have almost nothing left after deposit and waiting to learn the rent amount. I just don't know how long I can hide her.
    Virginia, Sep 4, 2013
  2. Virginia

    Becky Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Welcome to the forums Virginia :) So sorry to hear about your predicament, I hope you manage to find a solution. Would it be possible to take her to a friend's place while the maintenance guy is looking at the aircon? Alternatively, do you think that you could speak to your landlord about it? You could say she has been staying with friends/family but that she is ill and not expected to live long and requires your care...? You never know, they might be pet owners themselves and therefore understanding.
    Becky, Sep 5, 2013
  3. Virginia

    Scottyxx Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Virginia, here in Ontario it is actually illegal for a landlord to state NO PETS on a lease. I know it doesnt make for the best experience, but you can fight that. A cat is often different from a no pets rule, as they often refer to dogs as they are messy and noisy - neither of which an old cat is.

    If you live in the states I read online there is a loop hole where you can register your cat as your emotional support animal so that it legally can stay with you because you need it. Here is an article: http://www.pawnation.com/2011/10/26/the-411-on-emotional-support-animals/
    Scottyxx, Sep 6, 2013
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  4. Virginia

    ACSAPA Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Miami, FL
    That is an amazing loophole. I didn't know about that. I feel bad for OPs predicament. The cat should be able to live out her final years in peace.
    I agree with Becky that for the moment, it would be best to have a friend babysit the cat for a day while the maintenance man is there and then sneak the cat back in when he's gone.
    ACSAPA, Sep 14, 2013
  5. Virginia

    steph84 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Don't be afraid of your cat meowing while the maintenance guy is there. Just put on a DVD in your room (on your laptop or computer) to muffle the noise. Also, if he finds out, then so what? It's not like he can evict you. The worst you can get is a warning. I saw call the maintenance guy and get that taken care of so both you and your cat are healthy.
    steph84, Sep 14, 2013
  6. Virginia

    ACSAPA Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Miami, FL
    Landlords sometimes go years without looking inside a tenant's apartment, so once the maintenance guy leaves, the worst of it will be over.
    If I was OP, I would move again to a pet friendly building as soon as the lease is up.
    ACSAPA, Sep 15, 2013
  7. Virginia

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    I hope you could solve your predicament satisfactorily, for both you and your cat, Virginia! It's not fair you might lose your cat, but I think the other posters gave you excellent tips. So I think you should be fine by now :)
    Trellum, Dec 2, 2013
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