Is This an Exaggeration?

Discussion in 'Pictures and Videos' started by Mystique, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. Mystique

    Mystique Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Cape Town

    So often, I watch TV series that ridicule women that love cats and it makes me wonder if some women are that crazy about cats that they let the felines take over?

    I can't help smiling when I look at the photo above but at the same time, I feel it's an exaggeration :D (as well as movies/TV series with crazy cat lady theme).
    Mystique, Jun 20, 2012
  2. Mystique

    Jessi Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    Well all stereotypes are based on something real somewhere. No, not all cat lovers turn into crazy cat ladies, but I actually have met a few in my life time (and it's even worse with dogs, but those never seem to get ridiculed, pfft).

    And uh, I don't have the cat pictures all over the walls, but we have boxes, scruffs, torn curtains, etc, ha!
    Jessi, Jun 20, 2012
  3. Mystique

    tajnz Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    I think it's a rather unfair sterotype of cat owners, especially women. I know men who dote on their cats just as much as their wives. ;) In fact I've noticed men in paticular love to cuddle and give their cats extra treats. I wonder where the whole crazy cat lady notion comes from? There are just as many single people with lots of dogs as Jessi mentioned. Two of my majors are media studies and marketing and it seems to me like it's just another way to make fun of women who choose to live alone. Well not alone ... one is never alone with cats. :D
    tajnz, Jun 21, 2012
  4. Mystique

    Mystique Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Cape Town
    I agree - I don't get why women are always targeted as the crazy people who can't live without cats - pfftt :D

    Don't get me started on dog owners. It was quite a shock to see men and women carrying their puppies on a cushion. I'm not sure if it's something normal in your country but it certainly isn't over here, at least, for me it isn't! Whatever happened to putting them on a leash and let them walk? Okay, put the puppy in a bag, fine, but on a cushion and you walk around it? Wow.

    I told my partner that when I was 10, I used to take my cat for a walk. Yeap, I got her a leash and he looked at me as if I was crazy...

    Oh wait..

    :D :oops:
    Mystique, Jun 21, 2012
  5. Mystique

    Victor Leigh Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
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    No, I don't think that's really that exaggerated. I think most cat-lovers would have many of those cat trademarks in their homes. I don't have those cat photos but that's only because I am not into photos of any kind at all.
    Victor Leigh, Jun 23, 2012
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