I'm NOT New here

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by MER1, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. MER1

    MER1 New Member

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Hey all -

    I'm returning here with a '1' added to my user name because this website doesn't work for using the reset password feature AT ALL. I've tried on NUMEROUS occasions to log in but the tricks and treats don't work to reset your password.

    Anyway, who out there has a cat with a dog personality? My little Rosco (white haired Siamese) thinks he's a dog and started to chew on everything. We've covered our leather sofa's to protect the leather from claws but now he's gone chew crazy and chews on everything. Here's my office chair that he's ruined. I fear for his life when we take the covers off the sofa's because I know he's done a number on them as well. Any ideas anyone? He's now working on our mattress.

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      85.7 KB
    MER1, Apr 12, 2016
  2. MER1

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Hi there! Yes, I thought the username was familiar, didn't it have a ''1'' already or I am confused? Anyway, glad to see you coming back :) How are those two cute beauties doing? By the way, how old is the one cat destroying everything around your house? What does the missus think? If it's a young cat maybe you need to neuter it.
    Trellum, Apr 13, 2016
  3. MER1

    Becky Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Welcome back MER! Sorry to hear you've been having problems with resetting the password on your old account. Sending you a message now.
    Becky, Apr 13, 2016
  4. MER1

    MER1 New Member

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Rosco the cat "dog" is about 9 months old. He's been neutered back in November already and just started chewing on everything. My wife is short tempered about it and is ready to either knock his teeth out (just joking), but won't hesitate to get rid of him either.
    MER1, Apr 13, 2016
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