One of my cats is very over weight and I've been trying to get her to be more active. I can't play with her personally as much as I'd like and I've been trying to find cat toys that are both entertaining and safe for the kitty. She's one of those weird cats who does not particularly like cat nip so I've had little luck with plush mice. She refuses to play with the balls I get her and wont have anything to do with the feathers on a spring. Oddly enough, I have had some luck getting her to play with this little plastic snake. She seems to love it. So, I was hoping you all wouldn't mind telling me a bout some toys you've had luck with in getting your cat interested. I want her to be healthy and have a more stimulating environment. I also was hoping you'd share if you found any cat toys that were particularly unsafe. Not all the designers of these products have the animals' best interest in mind and I'm sure both kitty and I would prefer to just avoid those.