How often do you give your cats baths?

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by catlover2, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. catlover2

    catlover2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    How often do you give your cats baths? I rarely give my babies a bath. I say maybe twice a year they get one. Ben hates them and Bob is really no joy to get wet either. I just do not like fighting with them. Plus they tend to keep themselves pretty clean so they really do not need them anyway.
    catlover2, Sep 17, 2010
  2. catlover2

    catlover2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    I only give my cats baths when they need them. I do not like to overdo it because my cats get dandruff really bad. I do not want to dry their skin out even more. My sister thinks that this is just gross but they give themselves daily baths so they do not need them in my opinion.
    catlover2, Sep 17, 2010
  3. catlover2

    Jenny Heart Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    My cats hate baths, but they have gotten them from time to time, but now I use this skin cleanser from the vet if I think they're even starting to look a little dirty; This method may not do a perfect job, but it works quite well, and it's a lot less stressful on everyone. Just spray it, then rub it through their hair and that's all there is to it.
    Jenny Heart, May 25, 2012
  4. catlover2

    steph84 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I try to bathe Kitty Love once every 3 months or when he is really dirty. It gets pricey because I don't do it myself, but I did buy him a waterless bathing foam and it works wonders!
    steph84, May 25, 2012
  5. catlover2

    Mystique Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Cape Town
    I usually give my cats (in the past and Snowy, now) a bath about once in every two months. They are clean because they hardly go out but I just have an issue with them not getting a bath. Just the idea of it bugs me :D I haven't given Azzario a bath yet and I'll soon find out how difficult or not, it would be!
    Mystique, May 25, 2012
  6. catlover2

    btatro Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    I don't ever. If she appeared or seemed dirty, I would, but she bathes all the time. We sometimes joke around that she is OCD because of how frequently she cleans herself.
    btatro, May 26, 2012
  7. catlover2

    HappyRocinante Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2012
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    I don't give my cats a bath unless they have done something that has made them dirty enough to need help grooming. They are both indoor cats so the only thing they can really get into is the dirt on the floor. :) However, my mother in law gives her cats baths probably once a month. It is because one won't groom itself and the other over grooms. I did have once cat that I had to give a bath to on a regular basis because he would get mats in his long hair. He just couldn't keep it clean without some help.
    HappyRocinante, May 27, 2012
  8. catlover2

    violino Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2012
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    Never...? What for? They don't go outside and I brush them. They don't need to be bathed as well as dogs, which is practised by so many people who treat their pets like children.
    violino, May 27, 2012
  9. catlover2

    Mystique Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Cape Town
    I had two Persian cats that I had to bath frequently because poop would get stuck to their long hair o_O I decided to trim the backside area but then, they love to go outside and explore the neighbourhood. They would come home covered in leaves, soil, and whatever else, so I still had to bath them regularly.
    Mystique, May 27, 2012
  10. catlover2

    Jessi Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    Never, except for two very rare, unique situations. Once, one of them got in a sticky fly trap and had that stuff stuck all over her. It was in a room she wasn't normally in and we thought it'd be safe, but she went in anyway. We didn't want her to lick all of that stuff off and possibly make herself sick. The other occasion was a different cat who got fleas so bad that we couldn't get them killed after several months' of treatment and her hair was so we finally bathed her to help out.

    Other than the extreme cases like that, it's really not something you should do.
    Jessi, May 28, 2012
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