How many cats have you owned in your lifetime?

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by Anne, Dec 25, 2014.

  1. Anne

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    More than forty years on the planet and I have owned a single cat. My son might frown to hear me say I owned the cat but as I remember it, he only rescued him and brought him home. Nearly all the care that followed came from me.

    Twinkle's life was brief but he is forever in my heart. Maybe one day I will own a cat again. If you can count, how many cats have you owned in your lifetime?
    Anne, Dec 25, 2014
  2. Anne

    Aymes Member

    Dec 13, 2014
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    I have owned four cats in my lifetime. The first two were adopted when I was growing up. They were my first cats. They were brothers and had to be adopted together. They weren't tiny kittens, they were already a few months old. Their names were Stanley and Danny. Unfortunately Stanley died at the young age of 6. He just stopped eating and nobody knew why. Danny lived on to age 11 after losing a battle with cancer. I knew I always wanted to have cats so I now have two other cats. They bring me a lot of joy in my life. Their names are Ginger and Gray. They are still young so I hope they have many years left with me. There will always be a cat or two in my house. I know some people have this idea in their heads that cats aren't friendly but this is far from the truth. I know a friend who thought they were mean and recently adopted a cat, and now she's in love. Cats are the best!
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2014
    Aymes, Dec 26, 2014
  3. Anne

    Motheroftwo New Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    In my lifetime, I have had so many cats that I couldn't count them all. When I was growing up, I had a cat named Smokey. He eventually died when I was a teenager. Then I got married, and my husband had a cat named Cat. He ran away because we couldn't keep him inside. Then I took in a stray cat who was pregnant at the time. She had about six kittens. We kept two of them, and named them Oreo and Tiger. We put the mommy cat outside and she had another litter of about six kittens.
    Motheroftwo, Dec 29, 2014
  4. Anne

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Aww is that your precious baby? He was such a handsome cat! As for how many cats I have owned? Probably 7, I got my first one when I was 6 or 7. I was a bit traumatized tho, because my mom's vicious dog killed my kitten. So after that i didn't feel like having another kitten, several years had to pass. Gosh, I loved that kitty so much, he looked a bit like your cat!
    Trellum, Feb 2, 2015
  5. Anne

    pafjlh Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2014
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    I have owned five in my lifetime but I have owned them all at once within the past year. Before this I first had my father to contend with. He didn't like cats at all he called them sneaky and never wanted one. He was a dog person. Now I live with a brother who also has an adversity to cats, but my sister and I both took to Pepper, who wondered into our yard one day.

    Now that she has had her kittens and four survived we now care for all of them. My brother won't admit it but he took has gotten attached to them.
    pafjlh, Feb 2, 2015
  6. Anne

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    You have dealt with lost as well. My heart goes out to you.This weekend was a sad weekend when it came to Twinkle. Sometimes I think I am fine and coping and then it hits me; most Sundays. It was a Sunday when I found him. I said elsewhere I never want another because the pain was too great.

    Then someone pointed out that I should not deprive another of the love and shelter. I no longer say "never" but I am cautious and scared to tell you the truth. I have to get pass the guilt and all those other emotions before I can give it a go again.
    Anne, Feb 2, 2015
    Trellum likes this.
  7. Anne

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Oh, don't worry, it does take time to heal and allow yourself to let another cat into your life, that happened to me as well with that little cat. After him I didn't feel like having more cats, specially because he died in such a way, took me a while, but in the end I could let another wonderful cat in. I haven't met a cat like that little one tho... I do believe every cat has a personality, and he had a really sweet one!
    Trellum, Feb 8, 2015
    Anne likes this.
  8. Anne

    mimio Active Member

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Two black cat,one Three Felinae and its baby(almost four? I forget it because they have been gave to others)
    mimio, Feb 16, 2015
  9. Anne

    morgoodie Member

    Feb 28, 2016
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    I have owned three cats in my lifetime. The first one I did not have for very long because it was a very mean cat so my roommate and I gave her away to someone who would deal with her better than us. My other two cats were my babies. I had them for about seven years and then because I had my daughter I had to give them away to a good home. I could not afford to feed and take care of them after having a baby and I felt bad because they were not getting the attention that they were used to.
    morgoodie, Mar 6, 2016
  10. Anne

    CrazyCatLady74 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Growing up my family always had cats but some of them were mine. From my childhood to my early twenties I have had 5 cats. After marrying my husband we have adopted 4 cats together. I can not see my life without cats. I absolutely love them and consider my kitties part of the family.
    CrazyCatLady74, Mar 13, 2016
  11. Anne

    nytegeek Member

    Sep 13, 2015
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    A lot, but in my view I don't really own them. I would have to seriously think about it before I could say how many. Upwards of 10 or 15. I have done a lot of rescues.

    Pets are companions and part of the family in my eyes. I see myself as a guardian more than an owner. I just feel weird about claiming ownership of something that is living breathing, and has feelings you kn
    nytegeek, Mar 25, 2016
  12. Anne

    Novelangel Active Member

    Apr 7, 2016
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    I have had at least fifteen (probably more) cats over the years. I currently have only one, a calico named Callie-sue. My mom was and is big on rescues, and a lot of feral cats wind up at her place. She gets them acclimated to people and then takes them to a veterinarian for spaying and neutering. I think there has been only two years of my entire life where I didn't have at least one cat in my home.
    Novelangel, Apr 20, 2016
  13. Anne

    Reny Marionelle Bayani New Member

    Jun 4, 2016
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    I've had 2 cats and four kittens. Well, they're all gone now and I miss them a lot. They were all behaved and funny cats. They love to play around and play with me. The mother cat, named Rain was a very caring cat and loves to sleep on my feet whenever she sees me watching TV.
    Reny Marionelle Bayani, Jun 4, 2016
  14. Anne

    lisasian86 New Member

    Jun 4, 2016
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    I think I've owned 5 in my lifetime, most when I was a child. I really want to get a cat but I can't have one in the flat where I live now. We are moving soon though so hopefully I'll have one again soon.
    lisasian86, Jun 4, 2016
  15. Anne

    MER Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2015
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    Cats are such unique and loving creatures and can be just as nasty too. ;) When I was a youngster we had a beautiful dark haired Siamese. My dad transferred to overseas and we left Ming with my aunt. A year or so passed and my aunt sent us a picture of Ming a few hours before she passed from feline leukemia. That killed our family see such a beautiful cat and not being there in her final hour.

    Overseas, a neighborhood kid went knocking on doors with a kitten who needed a home. We rescued Herby and really grew fond of him. Unfortunately, when it was time to move stateside we had to find a new home for him. The poor cat, he really loved us too. Except the one time he kicked me out of my own bed by drawing blood with his claws.

    Many years passed and when I got out on my own, my girl friend brought two kittens to my house. Well Grace and Flash were just a double barrel of fun. Grace would sleep with me in the crook of my armpit and Flash at 4 A.M. would jump in bed with us and lick us awake. It took me a few times before I realized they would drag my girlfriends son's clothes downstairs to play with. I thought it was the kid for the longest time. We split up and she ended up with the babies since I was in the Navy.

    Years pass again and I'm married. My wife is a dog person and me cats of course. For years we decided not to have pets because of travel etc. We went to an ag store for bird seed when Gemma was discovered. I held her and she fell asleep in my arms. My wife said I guess she's coming home with us and I asked her "What about you and cats?" She said she could learn to love a cat. So Gemma came home with us. She is all momma's cat and I teased my wife about getting a cat for me. When we went to a cat boarding house, the owner had a baby white haired Siamese needing a home. You guessed it, Rosco is a member of the family now.

    So now the short answer; 6 cats total.
    MER, Jun 7, 2016
  16. Anne

    Eva Active Member

    Jul 3, 2024
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    I’ve probably had twenty kitties since I was a child ( long time ago) all except the first one were purebred doll face Persians .

    Hugely long lives no vet bills no grooming issues….extremely trainable willing and intelligent. Mine walk on leashes get into harnesses willingly love to ride in cars and occasionally decide to have ( extremely expensive) kittens . They are 100 percent litterbox perfect their whole lives … once in a while I need to ask them for a little privacy . Because otherwise it’s four on a couch or four in a bed . But otherwise than waking up with a fur ball on my back they’re extremely well mannered and polite. They’ll even get in the bathtub with you which is cuter than cute .
    Eva, Jul 15, 2024
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