Have you ever been scratched by your own cat?

Discussion in 'Behaviour & Training' started by tajnz, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. tajnz

    tajnz Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    I was wondering how common it is for owners to be scratched by their cats, whether it's accidental or on purpose?

    I'm lucky my cat hasn't tried to scratch me on purpose and is incredibly friendly and gentle. :)
    tajnz, Jul 3, 2012
  2. tajnz

    violino Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2012
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    Loads of times. Usually not intentionaly but sometimes I was too annoying and they kicked me, scratching. Most of the time it's just a play and when they scratch me it means I should cut their claws :p
    violino, Jul 3, 2012
  3. tajnz

    Jessi Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    Yep, absolutely! It's not a common occurrence, by any means, but it happens, especially if we're playing and the claws come out. I've also been scratched and bitten when one freaked out and went nuts.
    Jessi, Jul 6, 2012
  4. tajnz

    violino Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2012
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    Yeah, I got scratched like this by my friend's cat. It's a mein coon and he's a coward in general. We were in woods and I wanted to lift him and I put my hand below his legs.. and he kicked the same moment.. Oh that hurt :/
    violino, Jul 6, 2012
  5. tajnz

    tajnz Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Ouch! :eek: I was actually thinking of getting a Maine Coone in the future too. ;)The worst story I have is when my dad and I visited family friends and their cat climbed up onto the dining room table where we were sitting. The owners told him or her to get off and it wouldn't so be dad brushed it off the table and it landed on my lap with it's claws out. To this day I'm angry at my dad for doing that ha ha you have to be respectful of cats and their claws ha ha. I was wearing pants probably jeans and when I took them off there were blood claw marks. The claw marks themselves took a few weeks to heal. This was before I had a cat and I was afraid to adopt one for a long period afterwards. Even to this day if I'm around someone else's cat I'll only pet it if it approaches me.
    tajnz, Jul 7, 2012
  6. tajnz

    violino Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2012
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    That's why my cats have their claws cut. I don't want them to scratch me only because they were trying to save their lives and grasped my leg on their way down or something like this :p
    And my friend likes nature... so he doesn't want his cat to have its claws cut. And that's why I usually don't play with it, because I know it doesn't do it deliberately but even being scratched by accident is not nice.
    violino, Jul 7, 2012
  7. tajnz

    Victor Leigh Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
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    I have been scratched by my own cats quite a few times but it's no big deal. Usually that happens when I bath them for the first time. I would hold them with a thick cloth in one hand but sometimes I get scratched on the other hand.
    Victor Leigh, Jul 7, 2012
  8. tajnz

    S.O. Price Active Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    I remember when one of my cats was still a kitten...I was standing at the sink washing dishes and she got the great idea to latch on to me at the calves and climb all the way up to my shoulder. Ouch e wawa! You could tell she was so proud of herself that she was able to climb such a tall mountain. Me? Not so good. Feeling those claws from calf to shoulder took my breath away.
    S.O. Price, Jul 7, 2012
  9. tajnz

    Anna T Active Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    I have, but only when she gets carried away playing. I don't think she has ever scratched me maliciously before. In general, she is a pretty good-natured cat. Sometimes I think she does it out of love.
    Anna T, Jul 8, 2012
  10. tajnz

    QuatreHiead Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Yes, I have gotten scratched by many a cat, many a time. But I just consider it like love bites of sorts. Most often it is because the cat either gets impatient, scared or flustered by being picked up. My best friend did have a cat that was rather old. In his old age he became the cranky old man that would shake his cane and young kids and threaten to hit them with it if they didn't stop being so rambunctious and go away. As such, trying to pet him was risking your own life. Once he got some poor unsuspecting person down to the bone. O.O

    So it is important to be careful and ask the owners about their cats first before you dive in. You never know what sort of personality they have. For example, the cat I mentioned above was just fine with my best friend's mom, but she was the only one. All other people and cats sent him into an angry clawing hissy fit. He was still adorable, which only made him more angry that people would "awww" at his anger.
    QuatreHiead, Jul 8, 2012
  11. tajnz

    Epicfied Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
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    Yes, I've been scratched by my cat. My older cat is declawed, but my baby isn't going to be.
    I have been scratched many times by Neko, but never on purpose.
    The worst have to be from where she tried to jump in to my lap and slipped a little.
    Claws come out trying to catch herself, and let me say "ow".
    Epicfied, Jul 11, 2012
  12. tajnz

    ACSAPA Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Miami, FL
    I've been scratched a few times in my life by various cats I've owned. Once it was by a cat who was scared to be put into her carrier for a car trip.

    Another time it was because my tabby, Dolores is a jerk and I was trying to pet her and be affectionate. Some cats get annoyed if you pet them too much, and Dolores is not a patient cat. As one of the previous posters mentioned, cats have different personalities and Dolores doesn't have a "cuddly" personality.

    My ex husband is a veterinary assistant and he visited my daughter and I one day with pretty bad wounds on his arms which turned out to be cat bites. I didn't know cats could inflict that kind of damage because I've never actually been attacked by a cat.

    Remind me not to piss Dolores off. :eek:
    ACSAPA, Jul 11, 2012
  13. tajnz

    QuatreHiead Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    How adorable! You named your cat Cat! Although in Japanese. That's cute. Or is this short for something else?
    QuatreHiead, Jul 11, 2012
  14. tajnz

    Epicfied Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
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    Nope, that was the entire intent. I named her when I was really into anime and things like that.
    I pronounce it Neeko rather than Nehko... Long E instead of short.
    Epicfied, Jul 18, 2012
  15. tajnz

    dconklin Active Member

    Jul 15, 2012
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    New Jersey, USA
    Yes a few times, but not intentionally. I remember the worst I got scratched was by the little guy in my avatar. He was down in the basement and I didn't want him to be stuck down there as I was leaving the house for a few hours. I picked him up and he got scared as I was climbing the steps and he all of a sudden freaked. I got to the top step, I was holding him close but not tight, and he went to launch himself away to the floor. As he went to launch he put his back paw on my face and the claws came out. He gave me a quite deep scratch below my lip! This was 16 years ago and I still have the scar. Other times were when trying to put him a cat carrier to go to vet. He really despised the cat carrier!

    My female got my arms when I had to give her a bath. She otherwise doesn't even accidentally scratch anybody.
    dconklin, Jul 22, 2012
  16. tajnz

    footballtim Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    I used to get scratched by my own cats. It is just about always by accident, although our bengal sometimes does it to play. The problem is that sometimes the cat does not understand that it hurts us humans, but it does not hurt other cats. What I do to stop this is to pay the vet $13 a month to cut the older cat's nails. I pay a groomer $6 every three weeks to cut my bengal's nails. (The older cat is too temperamental for the groomer.)
    footballtim, Aug 22, 2012
  17. tajnz

    Victor Leigh Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
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    Just remember to protect your hands and arms with a thick towel whenever you bath your cat. What I usually do is hold the cat in the towel before I get started. Also wash its head last, if at all. Cats, like little kids, don't like water in their faces when bathing.
    Victor Leigh, Aug 31, 2012
  18. tajnz

    andrew320 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    For the first time since I met my lady's two cats, one of them, Max, bit me. The two guys were fighting and I was standing there about to intervene when suddenly Max grabs on to my leg and bites me. Then I ran into the washroom and he chased after me. I was stunned by it because he is usually such an easygoing cat that would never harm anyone. I gave him the silent treatment for a day or two and he was quite apologetic.
    andrew320, Aug 31, 2012
  19. tajnz

    footballtim Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    Actually the cat on the left (Tabitha) just scratched me a few days ago on purpose. But there was a perfectly good reason. I have to give her infusions three times a week with a needle. I was giving them to her on the back of her neck just a little bit too high. It was hurting her, so she tried to lick the needle. When I turned her head away, she growled and grabbed my hand and scratched me to let me know that I was causing her pain, and she could not take it. Now, infuse her about four inches lower, and she is fine with it. I should have been smart enough to know not to infuse her so high.

    About a year ago, when her kidney disease was getting bad and we had just started the treatment. I picked her up and she growled at me and scratched me in the face. I was very upset until I found out that when an animal is sick, they may do things they would not normally do. They may lash out at you even though it is in no way shape or form in their nature to do so. Even though Tabitha is a damaged animal who was neglected and abused by her previous owners for eight years before we picked her up from a shelter, and even though she can be temperamental, she is a gentle animal, and I love her dearly, make no mistake about it.
    footballtim, Aug 31, 2012
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