Hоw саn I trаin а саt tо оbеy соmmаnds?

Discussion in 'Behaviour & Training' started by Goodman, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. Goodman

    Goodman Member

    Jul 15, 2016
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    First аnd fоrеmоst, I'd likе it tо "соmе" whеn саllеd. I'm сuriоus tо knоw sоmе оf thе gеnеrаl tесhniquеs tо trаin саts tо dо аnything. Thеy dоn't sееm tо bе аlwаys lооking fоr fооd/trеаts likе dоgs, sо hоw dо yоu rеinfоrсе gооd bеhаviоr?
    Goodman, Jul 15, 2016
  2. Goodman

    AnnaBanana Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    I would think the same type of positive reinforcements as used with any animal could work, but I'm unsure about it also. I would also assume cats are harder to train than a dog, and I think cats are pretty good at training their owners. I'll be looking for some responses to this question also.
    AnnaBanana, Jul 21, 2016
  3. Goodman

    Susan Brown Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    That is a difficult question to answer because unlike dogs, cat pretty much to whatever they want whenever they want. Everything is done on their own time. I have never had a cat that I could actually train. I have two cats now. One I could call him all day and he would never come around. He only comes around when he hears me getting his food together. The other cat comes every time I call his name. He is really smart. All cats are different so I am not sure. Have you tried googling it and see what they have to say about training cats?
    Susan Brown, Jul 27, 2016
  4. Goodman

    Neo Member

    Aug 2, 2016
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    I don't think using commands for cats is the best way to train them. That's my opinion, when both you and the cats become really connected, they know when you want them to come and they'll do it no matter the specific commands you use.

    I call my cats by name, and they come running. Sometimes I'll use a hand gesture, and they'll come running. Sometimes I will tell them to do something, and they look at me like I'm crazy. My family and I have our ways of communicating with our cats, but we never train them with commands.
    Neo, Aug 2, 2016
  5. Goodman

    Byron nelson Active Member

    Jun 20, 2021
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    I’ve done a lot of research on this as I’m a dog trainer but as noted reward based trying is best. Animal don’t know punishment other than as a result of their own decision. Even this is debatable. Most won’t repeat something that caused pain or discomfort as a result of their choice of actions.
    Many trainers especially cats use the “clicker method with rewards. Personally I don’t . I like to teach by showing the dog what I want then guiding the dog through the exercise rewarding correctness. It takes patience and time. High drive dogs are much easier but even the lazy ones respond to this. My dogs all loved peanut butter. I used a wrist band and put a plastic spoon handle under it with a little peanut butter on the spoon end. This resulted in near perfect step by step heeling. I then went in reverse and would reverse heel all the way around the ring going against the flow. Switch to sideways left or right. If I would have been a dancer it would have been easy to create a dance. I got s flip twirl around both left and right using this little trick. I used treats maybe too much but I always had something in my pocket for the perfect move. Nothing like training a happy pet.
    I hope I can get even a little with my new cat. The rescue said she was just a ball of fun waiting to happen. I’ll have to find something other than PB and hot dog bit for kitty. Sunflower nuts may be ok if she likes them. My dogs would eat anything I’d eat and I’m a very fussy eater. Cats are much more sensitive and you have to work with a more carnivores tic head mentality. This can make pocket treats messier. I washed enough dog treats over the years. A pocket full of liver bits or hot dog bits makes a messy wash.LOL

    I’m excited to get started. I think cats are much more laid back so motivation things will be important. I hope others can give thoughts as I’m new and drawing on my years of dog training. Cats being natural hunters may help using this powerful drive .

    Byron nelson, Jun 26, 2021
  6. Goodman

    Byron nelson Active Member

    Jun 20, 2021
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    Well my trading of my new cat has come to a screeching halt. I used food praise and releases for rewards but my kitty doesn’t like any of nearly a dozen cat treats. Toys seem to be the only thing she is interested in then only at bed time she runs and plays after ten pm then again very early for a few minutes. I have a short flirt stick like I used on dogs but that only a momentary thing with Sara. I have put a wash cloth on her back to carry around the house. She doesn’t seem to mind that so maybe when the harness arrives later this eeek that will help. She just investigated her mics crook cat cave but won’t go in it even for a toy. It’s claw trimming time so later today we will get to that. She hadn’t learned to retract her claws yet. She did try some purrs yesterday with my sister. My sister said Sara jut kinda rumbls. We saw the little black squirrel yesterday. She carefully watched as it scampered across the wires and into a tree..
    Byron nelson, Jul 7, 2021
  7. Goodman

    Byron nelson Active Member

    Jun 20, 2021
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    Byron nelson, Jul 15, 2021
  8. Goodman

    Byron nelson Active Member

    Jun 20, 2021
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    Just a follow up. I’m a bit frustrated. I have nearly every cat treat available. There is not a single one that my cat - kitten respons to reliably. I know cats are not supposed to have milk but I have accidentally that even very diluted milk is something she will come and get. I have my night time coffee cup of Cheerios with milk. , helps me sleep. .I put a couple spoonfuls of skim milk and equal or double of water and my kitty will come for it. She only gets a half a spoon full of thinned milk at best but she will come for it most anytime so I’m using it as a tiny treat. She is very dainty and doesn’t attack food like my dogs did. She almost tastes each piece of her cat food. I did get her nibble on some fresh cooked chicken but only a few times. The same for beef. She will nibble a small piece of Hardy’s. Beef. But it doesn’t hold her attention. she likes pets and gentle rubs and occasional brushing so I’ve Ben using these as rewards for coming to me. She responds to pstts on the arm of the chair as a command. Then if she jumps up she get lots of praise, so this is about as far as I’ve been able to get through. It may be that she is still too young as she is only just a year old. She loves people and goes quickly to anyone that comes in.
    so I’m at a standstill for the moment. she plays at nigh at bed time so maybe this will be our training time.

    She has some toys that she seems to like to play with when she feels like it but she doesn’t get excited about them if I play with her.
    She has very wide long whiskers so I changed her water dish to flatter pan.she now seems to drink more water regularly.I did the same with food dishes too. I also have several water dishes around so it’s readily available.
    Anyway suggestions would be appreciated.

    Byron nelson, Jul 15, 2021
  9. Goodman

    catalone Member

    Jul 15, 2021
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    Trained them to do what? All my seven come when I call or even when they see me. I am home day and night. No treats or rewards or toys. Pure love. I have photos of them following me up the lanes when I walk. I never actually trained them. I am resting abed just now and have two with me. This is where they want to be all the time. With me.
    catalone, Jul 17, 2021
  10. Goodman

    Byron nelson Active Member

    Jun 20, 2021
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    I’m using a love pets voice commands. So far she responds to voice but not with action. I have a treat bag that I’m now adding. A thallus just tapping on the table or chair I’m sitting in gets her to jump up for pets. But she hears my voice too. I have a small dog whistle I used on my Australian shepherd. You can hardly hear it but my dog easily heard it over 100 yds away and would culms running full speed. I added voice hand signal and flash light together then separately. Dog training involves showing the dog what you want and positive quick reward. I guess clicker training does about the same but I’m not a fan of clicker but properly done it does work. I’m also using a laser dot now. Call voice and direct the laser to me. I’m making progress but slowly. Cats seem to take I finally more patience. It’s pretty hot here so activity is sleep based.LOL she does jump on the bed now and follows me everywhere. Comes for dinner. She is still a kitten so doesn’t gulp food like the dogs. It’s had getting used to very picky eating after working with high drive dogs. My dogs would run jump twirl around for about anything just to burn off energy.

    Byron nelson, Jul 17, 2021
  11. Goodman

    catalone Member

    Jul 15, 2021
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    A dreadful and stressing way to treat a cat. a cat is not a dog. Please desist and treat you cat with respect. She deserves and needs that. Or get a dog.. I have had cats for nearly fifty years.

    Leaving as this is too horrible to read.
    catalone, Jul 18, 2021
  12. Goodman

    KBS_Pets_Cat_Trees New Member

    Apr 5, 2024
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    Training a cat to obey commands requires patience and consistency. Start with simple commands like "sit" or "come," using treats as rewards. Use a clicker for positive reinforcement and keep training sessions short to maintain their interest. With time and practice, your cat can learn to respond to commands just like a dog!
    KBS_Pets_Cat_Trees, Apr 25, 2024
  13. Goodman

    oliviagreen Member

    Apr 13, 2024
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    Training a cat to obey commands requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Cats can be trained, though they often respond differently to training than dogs. Here are some steps to help you train your cat to obey commands:

    Start with Basic Commands: Begin with simple commands like "sit," "come," and "stay." These are easier for your cat to learn and respond to.
    Use Positive Reinforcement: Reward your cat with treats, praise, or play whenever they successfully perform a command. This encourages them to associate the command with something positive.Keep Training Sessions Short: Cats have shorter attention spans than dogs, so aim for training sessions of about 5-10 minutes. Frequent, brief sessions are more effective than long, infrequent ones.
    Use Clicker Training: Clicker training is a popular method that involves using a clicker device to mark the desired behavior. When your cat performs the command, click the clicker and immediately offer a treat.
    Be Consistent: Use the same commands and cues each time you train your cat. Consistency helps your cat understand what you want from them.
    Choose a Quiet Environment: Train your cat in a quiet, distraction-free area. This helps them focus on the training and the command.
    Be Patient: Training a cat can take time. Stay calm and be patient with your cat's progress.
    Practice Regularly: Regular practice helps reinforce the commands. Include training as part of your cat's daily routine.
    Use Luring: Sometimes, using a treat to guide your cat into the desired position (e.g., guiding them into a sitting position) can help them learn the command.
    Monitor Your Cat's Mood: Cats can be more responsive to training when they are in a playful or curious mood. Avoid training them when they are stressed or tired.
    Remember that cats are independent animals and may not always respond to training as quickly as other pets. Celebrate small successes and enjoy the process of building a stronger bond with your cat through training
    oliviagreen, May 10, 2024
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