[ATTACH]71[/ATTACH] This is Billie. Shes about 20 years old and only 3 lbs. She has a very scratchy meow, but it definitely wasn't like that when she was younger. I'm worry that her time is coming soon. She is under the assumption that she is the boss. She's very demanding and grouchy. [ATTACH]72[/ATTACH] This is Annie, she's around 14 years and she's a Calico. As you can see, she doesn't care for getting her picture taken. We used to think of her as the devil cat because she would always hide and hiss when anyone would come near her. As she's gotten older, she's calmed down a lot though and I'm now her favorite person. [ATTACH]73[/ATTACH] This is Alice, about 14 years and she's the tortoiseshell. She was hard to get a picture of because whenever I got close to her she was expecting me to pet her, not flash lights in her face. She can be pretty hyper at times, but lately she's been settling down a little, probably due to age. She used to be my brother's cat, but he lives in Texas and she was losing a lot of weight there, so he wanted her to come back to Wisconsin where she was healthier. So we took her in and she plumped back up. I remember when she was a lot younger, about 2 or 3, she would crawl under a blanket and curl up by your feet to go to bed at night. It was so adorable. But these are my cats, I hope you like them.