Does Your Cat Like to Use Your Keyboard as a Pillow?

Discussion in 'Behaviour & Training' started by Herman&Eddie, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Oh now, this habit drives me a little bonkers! Again, it is my little trouble maker, Eddie! She knows this is not acceptable behavior, yet everyday it is the same old song and dance. I am so afraid, I am gong to be in the middle of something really important document and she is going to hit a key to wipe it all out! And yes, I am in the habit of constantly pushing the save button, just in case, but still it is such a naughty little habit that I can not seem to stop! So don't be surprised, if you see me post a post that looks half completed. It is merely, Eddie doing what she does best, being mama's little spoiled baby, using my keyboard as her headrest!

    Anyone else have a little trouble maker (LOL) that likes to give you a run for your money, and use your keyboard, as their peronsal pillow, too?
    Herman&Eddie, Apr 9, 2015
  2. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    It happened all the time... until I closed the door of my room ;) But yeah, it has happened to me. At first I thought he did it because he felt a bit jealous and wanted the attention the laptop was receiving, but I later understood that he might actually like to do that because the laptop is a bit warm :)
    Trellum, Apr 10, 2015
  3. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Oh dear, if I ever closed the door on either of the cats, they would have a breakdown! They like to be where the action is, when they want, or to be left alone, when they want!

    Well, I felt my keyboard, and it is not hot! I do know, Herman likes to get up close to anything that is warm, when it is chilly in the house, but Eddie, not so much. She just started to use my keyboard, as her little resting place, as a kitten. I know, I know, another habit that I should have stopped right away!

    I wonder, how in the world, do you keep your Bob from not banging and scratching at a closed door?
    Herman&Eddie, Apr 10, 2015
  4. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    He is a very calm cat ;) I neutered him when he was young enough, maybe that is why he is so calm. He doesn't mind if he is faced with closed doors from time to time ;) I personally find that better than letting him bug me while I'm trying to finish my work early in the morning. I actually close the door before going to bed, because he started waking me up by liking my mouth and cheeks in the morning, lol, I don't like the feel of the dry and rough cat tongue! Yuck! He didn't like it at first, but he later got used to get. Some times I feel like I am the boss, others it feels like it's him the one who bosses me around xD
    Trellum, Apr 11, 2015
  5. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Well, both of our cats were neutered at a young age. We rescued Herman, as a kitten, from the Human Society and she had already had the procedure done. So, we was quite young! We waited a little longer with Eddie, but it was not like she was an older cat, before the procedure was one, only a few months old.

    Well, you are lucky to be "allowed" to have doors closed! :D

    Have your, or anyone else on this forum, ever had a cat that able to open the door by turning the knob? We use to have a back door years ago, that sat right next to a cupboard, and if the door was not shut all the way, one of the cats learned to twist it open it! I mean sure, they could have nudged it open with a paw, but this cat actually turned the handle! I would like to hear anyone say, cats are not smart! :p They sure do watch and learn!
    Herman&Eddie, Apr 12, 2015
  6. Herman&Eddie

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    For sure Twinkle did. A pillow on occasion and mat I suppose at times. A few times my computer ended up with the screen turned up side down when Twinkle decided to relax on it. At least he taught me something new about the computer. I had to use YouTube to correct the problem.

    My bedroom door does not lock well. All you have to do is put a little pressure and it opens easily. Twinkle and all the dogs are fully aware so there is no point me trying to lock them out.

    I heard someone talking about a cat of mine. A cat that likes to be where the action is whenever and wherever he feels up to it. That cat that pretty much does what he pleases. That was my boy.
    Anne, Apr 14, 2015
    Herman&Eddie likes this.
  7. Herman&Eddie

    jeskalillis Active Member

    May 3, 2015
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    My mom's cat is famous for this behavior. Every time someone was on the computer she would jump up and lay across the keyboard and push off anything that was on the desk. I think it just more for them wanting attention at all times. It seems like when are attention is focused on something else, like reading, playing on the computer or homework, they are right there to lay on top of whatever you are doing. I am pretty sure that it wasn't due to the warmth of the computer, because of it being a desktop it doesn't get very warm.

    As for knowing of any cats that were able to open doors by the handle, I can say I have known any. Though I have seen them try, by pawing at the doorknob. I believe that cats are extremely smart, they definitely know how to get what they want. Our cat will paw at the screen door if she wants in or out. It is almost like she is knocking. My parents think it is hilarious that she does this.
    jeskalillis, May 3, 2015
    Herman&Eddie likes this.
  8. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Wow, really??? That is amazing!!!! I have never hard of a cat doing that, but I guess cats do watch and learn, I mean, I have heard of cats who learn to use the bathroom, and even flush it. I told my mother that once, she was disgusted, lol!!!! I wouldn't!!! Unless the cat did a mess, but otherwise no!!
    Trellum, May 10, 2015
    Herman&Eddie likes this.
  9. Herman&Eddie

    ellie Active Member

    May 24, 2015
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    Tinkerbell is surprisingly agreeable in terms of where she lays, but the cat we had when I was growing up, Sabrina, was the opposite. She would lay wherever she wanted, whenever. If you were typing, she'd plop down on the keyboard. If you were laying in bed and got up to get water or anything, you'd come back to her on your pillow. We were moving houses once, and she kept laying in all the was like she had ESP and knew which empty box we'd go to grab next and just lay in it. My mom had to put her in the bedroom and close the door :)
    ellie, May 28, 2015
    Herman&Eddie likes this.
  10. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Lol, that Sabrina sounds like she was such a character ;) I bet you guys so much fun with her around! I had a cat that was like that, she did it just to have fun, I guess. Just like your Sabrina did.
    Trellum, May 29, 2015
  11. Herman&Eddie

    superbobby Member

    May 31, 2015
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    I blame my cat for destroying my keyboard. My letter "a" doesn't work anymore. I have to copy the letter "a" and just type ctrl + v whenever I need to type the letter "a".
    superbobby, May 31, 2015
    Anne and Herman&Eddie like this.
  12. Herman&Eddie

    LilAnn Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2015
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    Kitty kiss likes to bat my mouse around. It's so funny, he really gets into it
    LilAnn, Jun 12, 2015
  13. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    I feel your pain, my Bob just ruined my new laptop's keyboard. Yup, I was dumb enough to leave a glass of water near the laptop, he just did what any other cat in thart situation would do: knock it over. Because we all know most cats love to knock over glasses of water. Only god knows why.
    Trellum, Jun 21, 2015
    LilAnn likes this.
  14. Herman&Eddie

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    They do like to knock over water? I thought they just liked to stick their noses in everything. I have seen Twinkle stick his in a glass or two. Thankfully, I always tried to keep him away from the laptop to keep it safe.

    Sorry your laptop Trellum. Is it done for good or can it be repaired?
    Anne, Jun 21, 2015
  15. Herman&Eddie

    LilAnn Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2015
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    Mine doesn't even have th decency to run away afterwords. He watches me freak out trying to clean it up
    LilAnn, Jun 22, 2015
  16. Herman&Eddie

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    Freak out? It's not happening. You had better clean it up and move out of the way in case he wants to do the same thing all over again. You just have to love them.
    Anne, Jun 22, 2015
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  17. Herman&Eddie

    LilAnn Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2015
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    Yes, you do have to love them. Otherwise they will destroy everything that's important to you, right in front of your eyes
    LilAnn, Jun 22, 2015
  18. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Lol!!! Oh my... that is a shameless cat, lol. My Bob was just sitting there, looking confused while I was desperately trying to dry the laptop. He then ran when he realized he had screwed up. But later he was acting like never ever happened when I came into the kitchen, he even bumped me, and started meowing as soon as he saw me. You gotta love cats, lol.
    Trellum, Jun 23, 2015
  19. Herman&Eddie

    Susan Brown Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    My cats pretty much lay on anything that they think you may be using. It could be the keyboard, a book, a magazine, etc. They just want all the attention. lol

    I tried closing the door to keep them out but that didn't go so well. One cat would put his paw under the door, hook it around the bottom of the door and bang the door back and forth. The other cat would butt his head against the door. So it was much easier to leave the door opened.
    Susan Brown, Jul 11, 2015
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