Does your cat drag her dish all over your house?

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by acheno84, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. acheno84

    acheno84 Member

    May 22, 2016
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    So, we have this cat.who has quite the personality. She tends to drag her water dish all over the house. I have no idea why she does it. I have read that they usually don't like their water near their food, so I moved it. She still does it. I've found it by the front door before, and I know that took her a while to get it there. There's got to be a method to her madness. Any ideas?
    acheno84, Jun 9, 2016
  2. acheno84

    MER Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2015
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    Okay, that's kind of weird. Never heard of that but then again why be surprised? Have you ever seen her actually move it? I'm curious if she's playing with it or just pushing it along as she's drinking(?) I've had kittens drag blue jeans down stairs before or running off with toys and hiding them somewhere. Just this morning, Rosco hid the door stop I use to prevent him from banging on the door. I got to find that before I go to bed tonight! :)
    MER, Jun 10, 2016
  3. acheno84

    Valerie Active Member

    May 9, 2016
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    I have a cat, Lola, who has always gone "swimming" in her water dish. She's not the brightest of bulbs on the tree, so she has a habit of sticking her entire face into the water bowl. Of course, she inhales water then sprays it all over the place before even drinking anything. Then she'll paw at it as it sloshes around in the bowl.

    Eventually, I bought a heavier, shallower bowl to keep her from doing nose dives. Something that your cat cannot physically move might help with the odd habit.
    Valerie, Jun 16, 2016
  4. acheno84

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Maybe it's only a game for her? :p I've seen both my dog and my cat do some really strange things :p Sometimes this kind of things mean absolutely nothing ;) Sometimes it's just some sort of game, I've noticed cats are more prone to this kind of thing :)
    Trellum, Jun 16, 2016
  5. acheno84

    MER Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2015
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    Rosco is cuter than ever. I'll turn the kitchen faucet on and he'll stick his paw in the water until it's soaked and then lick the water from his paws. One draw back is that he likes to flick his paws so water goes everywhere. He's walked through a full stream of water before too like nothing to it. He's a water baby for sure.

    We have a water fountain for the cats. When I clean the fountain, Rosco goes crazy when I fill the pitcher full of water to load the fountain. He goes running around and then gets excited as I pour the water in. He's just got to get his paws into everything wet.

    I tried uploading a vid but its too large.
    MER, Jun 16, 2016
  6. acheno84

    martyJo New Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    That is quite comical. Our cat is very lazy and will eat and drink out of any dish he likes, wherever it's located. He is not fussy about his dishes or eating location. But he will not eat dry cat food. He will sniff it and look up with the most pitiful begging expression as if to say: "This? This is what you want me to eat? This isn't even real cat food. Please check in the fridge again."

    Once in a while, when we have fed him an off-brand of wet cat food, he will sniff at it and use his paw to swipe at it. The same paw motion that's used to cover up in the litter box. Okay, okay. I get the message. It smells like something in the litter box......and they say cats can't talk.
    martyJo, Jun 16, 2016
  7. acheno84

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    Oh no! My Twinkle was such a dainty eater. I could sit and what him eat all day. It was a highlight of our time together. Whenever I speak of it I smile warmly. I sometimes think he was as perfect as the come but I am very bias:).
    Anne, Jun 16, 2016
  8. acheno84

    Novelangel Active Member

    Apr 7, 2016
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    My kitty has two water dishes, one is a simple white, ceramic bowl and the other is a clear crystal bowl with handles on it. She will drink out of both, but likes to play in the white bowl, batting it with her paw until she's moved it several feet across the floor, sloshing water the whole way. The crystal bowl is her favorite to drink from, (she's quite the princess) and the water level in that one is constantly needing a refill. She likes certain sounds (the clacker on the air conditioner comes to mind here) and one of her favorites is the ping the white ceramic bowl makes as it's slammed against the wall. It's possible your kitty is that type who just likes certain noises. Does the water dish make a funny or unusual noise as she drags it around? We all have certain sounds that we particularly enjoy, and cats are no exception. Some cats are just plain proud of themselves when they make something happen all by themselves, and so your girl might just be enjoying that noise and proud of herself for being able to make it happen.
    Novelangel, Jun 16, 2016
  9. acheno84

    Susan Brown Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    lol that is really funny. It is funny how they have their little personalities and they will do what they want regardless. You tried moving it but she continue to move it around. I guess it is just her thing. I don't think you would ever beable to change her habit. Just be careful you slip on some water. That can be very dangerous.
    Susan Brown, Jun 23, 2016
  10. acheno84

    CrazyCatLady74 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    My little gray kitty loves to play with her water feeder sometimes especially if I put ice cubes in it. She'll tap at it and put her whole paw in it. The next thing I know she moves the whole water container across the floor and spills it everywhere. It is cute to watch but not so cute when I have to clean up her mess. My oldest cat sometimes likes to move his water feeder around and I find it in the living room with water all over the floor. I think it's kind of funny how my cats like to play with water but hate it when it comes to getting a bath. Cats definitely have their quirks about them.
    CrazyCatLady74, Jun 23, 2016
  11. acheno84

    cluckeyo Active Member

    May 29, 2016
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    He doesn't drag his bowl around, but he comes to me and meows and gets in my path, where I practically stumble, and that means he wants crumbles.
    cluckeyo, Jul 1, 2016
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