Do cats like it when you tickle their bellies?

Discussion in 'Behaviour & Training' started by erik, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. erik

    erik Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    Do cats like it when you tickle their bellies? I don't think my cat does... because every time I do she goes into beast mode and grabs my arm biting, kicking and scratching all done in a playful way tho. :)
    erik, Mar 16, 2015
  2. erik

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Lol, it's just there are places where the cats don't like to be touched, one of them is their bellies, but there is a reason for this. You see, cats are small predators, so being on their backs exposing their bellies is something that would kill them in the wild, hence they don't feel comfortable doing that with us. But they love to get pet anywhere around their back, sometimes chin.. neck, etc.
    Trellum, Mar 16, 2015
  3. erik

    erik Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    Oh no I think I've trained my cat to make herself vulnerable to predators because every time she sees me she just drops to the floor and exposes her belly:). OTOH however it seems to me that she's not defenseless and vulnerable as one might think, she's actually got some cat-jujitsu moves up her sleeves considering the beating my hand gets every time I tickle her :eek:
    erik, Mar 17, 2015
  4. erik

    erik Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    Oh no I think I've trained my cat to make herself vulnerable to predators because every time she sees me she just drops to the floor and exposes her belly:). OTOH however it seems to me that she's not defenseless and vulnerable as one might think, she's actually got some cat-jujitsu moves up her sleeves considering the beating my hand gets every time I tickle her :eek:
    erik, Mar 17, 2015
  5. erik

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Don't worry, she won't do that with everyone ;) She does that with you because she trusts you, but she reacts that way when you tickle her out of instinct. Because as I said cats have a strong predator instinct. Plus I think they're not as domesticated as we think they are, not as much as our dogs, for example.
    Trellum, Mar 17, 2015
  6. erik

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    You are truly a" cat connoisseur ". I realized Twinkle did not like the belly thing. Once I realized, I sought out other pleasure spots. His neck was one of my favourite places to tickle him. When he got tired he would just leave me hanging. We all know how that goes. Cats like to do as they well please.
    Anne, Mar 17, 2015
  7. erik

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Hehehe, thank you, Anne, I'm just a gal who reads a lot on her free time :=D I find animal behavior really interesting, I think of cats as tiny panther, lions and tigers, hehehe! The instinct is still there :O My bob likes it when you caress his chin and next and rub his sides :) It's funny if you compare them with dogs, because they love to be touched no matter where lol. But did you know that when a dog expose his belly to you it basically means he or she considers you the leader of the pack? It's a submission act. Dogs are genetically programmed to live in packs as you see :) So it's nice to know in a way they consider us one of them =D
    Trellum, Mar 18, 2015
  8. erik

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Oh, haha, I am glad I am not the only one this happens to because we have had one cat that has gone wild when we tickle her belly. Now, I am wondering, if this is such a common instinct, why are other cats did not react like this - WILD! I have learned the hard way, if I am going to get anywhere near the belly area to have a long sleeve shirt on. I actually will put on a thicker sweatshirt because it is like our Eddie just looses her mind and goes into primal mode. So your description of this occurring really made me laugh! She thinks it is some big game and absolutely loves it when I tickle her like this. Well, actually when we first got her, every-time our hand even came close she thought it was play attack time. It took a long time for her to realize that simple plain petting was enjoyable for her! Being our first Alley Cat breed, we wondered, if she was just a little more feral, then our other cats.
    Herman&Eddie, Apr 2, 2015
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