Can cats feel love or just affection?

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by Jenny Heart, May 14, 2012.

  1. Jenny Heart

    Jenny Heart Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    Many people say that cats bond quickly with their owners, but can't or don't feel love for them. I feel honestly that they do feel love. My cats stay beside me when I'm worried or sick. To me that is a unique kind of love. Even when I feel my cats are under the weather, they'll still come to me when I need them. That's unconditional love in my book. How do you feel about this question?
    Jenny Heart, May 14, 2012
  2. Jenny Heart

    Jessi Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    I think they can. I'm with you on this one that it might be a different kind of love, but it's perfectly attainable. I don't think it's always love, though.....some cats can simply be affectionate and then move on to another owner easily.
    Jessi, May 14, 2012
  3. Jenny Heart

    Jenny Heart Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    Yes Jessi I agree. Cats I feel can move on to another owner, but they do feel more for some owners than other ones. Mt cat Tinker stays by me more than any one else. Some cats I feel don't just like you said. Cats are like humans I guess, they feel affectionate at times, and sometimes they don't feel that way. Love is unconditional either way in my opinion. Thanks for always commenting with your wisdom about these great creatures.
    Jenny Heart, May 14, 2012
  4. Jenny Heart

    steph84 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I think they do! My cat starts purring when I just lightly pet them while they are sleeping. I think it's cute that they know it is me and start to purr. They always know when I am feeling sick too and give me extra love and support when I am feeling down.
    steph84, May 14, 2012
  5. Jenny Heart

    ACSAPA Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Miami, FL
    I think cats do feel love for their owners. It's probably not exactly like the love humans feel for each other, bur they have their own unique kind of cat love for their humans. They love us as much as they can.
    ACSAPA, Jul 20, 2012
  6. Jenny Heart

    footballtim Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    I think it not only depends on the owner, it also depends on the cat. Tabitha (on your left) took a lot of time to even begin to bond with us because she spent the first eight years of her life being neglected and abused. We have lavished love on her for four years, and she finally seems like she is responding. I know that if something happened to my wife and I, she would miss us, but I am not sure how much.

    On the other hand, we have a total bond with our Bengal. When I kiss her and love her, I sense love in her beautiful eyes, not just affection.
    footballtim, Sep 5, 2012
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