Big cats as pets

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by Trellum, May 3, 2015.

  1. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    LOL, omg!!!!!!!!!!1 I understand why your mom freaked out!!!!!!!! Bobcats are scary!!!! The wild ones live in my area, they come down sometimes and hunt little dogs and even other cats! Scary! What happened, by the way? Did they keep that bobcat?
    Trellum, May 24, 2015
  2. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Oh, so now you are feeding a stray dog ? Oh Ann, you are a wonderful person! Over here we also have a big problem with stray dogs. The other week I heard such a sad story, a woman in the neighborhood was taking care of a stray dog, some local idiot killed it two weeks ago or so. He then threw the body in front her house :( It's sad, but stray dogs in my mother country are exposed to a lot awful things.
    Trellum, May 24, 2015
  3. Trellum

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    It's one I told you about that left this eerie feeling with me when he just disappeared after I had put him up safely in a fenced area of my yard. I had asked if I should post a picture and I never did. I went to ask some guys hanging out by a nearby mini mart if they knew the owner. I also asked some neighbours. I believe he has a home but he comes by every day day and every night. Recently he was attacked in my driveway by another dog I know nothing about and I had to chase him and get this one to safety.

    I put him in the fenced area and when he was noisy in the wee hours of the morning my husband got upset that I had brought him back in. It's a long stressful story but I don't want anything to happen to him. He had a limp for about three days and now he seems to be doing better. I feed him whenever he's around. I really don't know what to do. He seems a nice dog but my hands are full and it's a male. I'd have to fix him or my four.:(
    Anne, May 24, 2015
  4. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Oh Ann, well, that is a tough one. You have a very big heart :) You remind me of myself when I was little, I wanted to bring in all dogs and cats I saw needed help, My mother always stopped me. I hope you find him a good home! Taking another one in might cause you trouble with your husband, I take it he is not a big fan of dogs, is he?
    Trellum, May 25, 2015
  5. Trellum

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    He's much better than I thought as you would remember he is still not of the indoor dog mentality but still allowed the most recent Ginger without a real fight. Still he never touches it if they have an accident. I guess that's his way of saying I did not want them indoors so I am not cleaning their mess. Sometimes I will watch him play with them and he especially likes Zola taking her driving with him on occasions, so he does like them, just not in the same way I do.

    He also makes sure there is food bought for them and if they are sick or get fleas or any of those things, he'll call up his vet friend or the breeder and get help for them. This one that's been coming around has
    been very noisy and forward wanting to run in the house and the like. He's not up for that. I think he's had enough not to mention he probably thinks they get more attention than he does:eek:.

    When the kitten was brought home we hid him, but once my husband discovered him, he got attached until Twinkle started to ignore him. I also know he liked Twinkle in the end but again not to extent I do. These pets become my little kids or gran kids.
    Anne, May 25, 2015
  6. Trellum

    ellie Active Member

    May 24, 2015
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    I actually called my mom to ask her about this! She said yes they kept the bobcat, and after that I wasn't allowed to go back to visit the family anymore lol. I remember going in their pool a lot, but I wasn't allowed in the house and the "cat" wasn't allowed on the porch so it kind of worked out. But yeah, my mom said that she was talking to the lady one time about our cat, who was a big fat cat. And the lady was like, "No, that's not a big cat. I have a big cat!" and took my mom over to see it, where my mother was like "that's not a cat..." lol.
    ellie, May 26, 2015
  7. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Lol! Oh my!!! Did they have have any kind of problem with that cat? I can't imagine having a bobcat in my house, I've seen what they can do, you know! I hope no one got scratches or bites, you should see the scratch my SO got from the average sized cat of his parents! So bad!
    Trellum, May 27, 2015
  8. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Oh, he sounds like he is much better than my dad with pets, because your husband does take care of their needs, unlike my dad! My dad never bought food for the dogs or cared if they got sick, he let my mom do everything. Even if he said he loved them, he only played with them, lol. I guess there are different ways to show one's love, caring like your husband does is a sure way to show love :)
    Trellum, May 27, 2015
  9. Trellum

    ellie Active Member

    May 24, 2015
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    No, I don't even remember the cat actually. I'm actually sad about that because it sounds like a really cool memory. I only know the story from what my mother told me. I remember the couple was really eccentric, but they had an amazing house with an awesome pool. I loved that pool, but was never inside the house after that day (that I don't remember). My mom said they wound up moving and she isn't sure where they went, because they didn't keep in touch. I wonder now what happened, if the cat ever did anything or if they found another wild animal and kept it as a pet...
    ellie, May 27, 2015
  10. Trellum

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    Thanks for that plug for him.I am not very happy with him lately but I still like to focus on the good. Maybe today I will say something nice to him. He'll have you to thank for that if it happens:).I tell people to always focus on the good in relationships so I probably need to take some of my own advice. Did I tell you about my son going on about someone on Instagram with some big cat. It's hot on Instagram it seems as it was mentioned here I think.

    Welcome Ellie, I am now tuning in to your story. I will take a look at a Bob Cat.
    Anne, May 27, 2015
  11. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Hehehe, I must admit I sometimes fail at doing that as well, I need to start focusing on the good things of my guy, but it's so hard to do that during the heat of the moment right after doing ro saying something rude. Yesterday for example, I was talking about something and he started to make snoring sounds, I got mad, lol.

    Yes, it seems bery hot among the rich kids in the middle east, if you ask me they just want the spot light on instagram and other social networking sites... they must have very empty lives!
    Trellum, May 28, 2015
  12. Trellum

    ellie Active Member

    May 24, 2015
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    I had a friend who was from Iran, and told me about how when he was a teenager her found a pallas cat and took it home. The cat's are not very big and not as mean as a tiger or anything, but they are wild and they do eat hunted mice and other stuff like that. They're not endangered but I think they are close to being, they're hunted a lot for their fur and stuff. I think my friend had good intentions but yeah, it is still a wild cat. I don't know if it's necessarily illegal to have them there but he didn't let police find out just in case lol. I know he said in Iran it's illegal to have a dog, but I'm not sure about a cat. I think they're okay.
    ellie, May 28, 2015
  13. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Hehehe, eccentric! Ah well, I hope they are fine, specially if vlittle children were involved. I live near the desert so Bobcats are not such an uncommon sight from time to time. They're always hiding from the mountain lions! Can't imagine how those peoploe could handle that cat! Intriguing!
    Trellum, May 28, 2015
  14. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Oh wow!!!! A pallas cat!!!!!!! I've heard about them and seen a lot pics before, they are a real beauty, ellie :) I'm guessing your friend found an abandoned baby, so in that case isn't so bad. I'd be nervious more nervious about the adult bob cat you told me about, hehehe. I'm not very familiar with iran, but I am with the islamic culture and rules, so as far as I know you are right :) They're ok with cats, and not dogs, unless the person uses said dog for hunting or as a sheperd.
    Trellum, May 28, 2015
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