7 Comments that Make Cat Owners Cringe

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by Trellum, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    By vetstreet.com


    Cats are sweet, loving, funny pets who are oft misunderstood by those who haven't had the pleasure of owning - or, rather, being owned by - a cat. As a result, cat people often hear misguided comments about their life with their cats.
    Here are seven things that you should never say to a cat person - unless you want to get swatted.

    I like dogs better. They're friendlier. So, you're basically saying that your cat-loving friend doesn't like friendly creatures? That makes no sense. Why would anyone share a home with a little furry jerk? Just because cats might not bound over to you with goofy abandon the minute you walk in the door doesn't mean they're not friendly. Cats often take a little time to assess the situation and the people around them before they cozy up. Some are more outgoing than others, but plenty of cats are simply scoping out the landscape before selecting the most comfortable lap.

    I can tell you have cats.
    If you say this to someone who has cat fur stuck to her shoulder or derriere, you'll probably get a smile. Most cat owners wear their fur with pride. If you say this when you're walking into a cat owner's home while wrinkling up your nose, you might as well just walk on out again. You're not welcome there, even with your assurances that cats don't really bother you, because I'm willing to bet that you and your bad manners bother everyone living there. Cats included.

    You're on your way to becoming a crazy cat lady! I don't think this is ever meant to be a compliment, even when said in jest. Besides, at what point does one become a "crazy cat lady," and what credentials do you possess to determine whether one becomes a crazy cat lady or not? Of the millions of cat owners out there, very few are deserving of that title. Many ladies may be crazy about cats, but most aren't crazy cat ladies (or crazy cat guys, for that matter). Unless they give themselves the nickname, that is.

    Full article here: https://shine.yahoo.com/pets/7-comments-cat-owners-cringe-130200114.html
    Trellum, Apr 9, 2014
  2. Trellum

    Jessi Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    "If you say this to someone who has cat fur stuck to her shoulder or derriere, you'll probably get a smile. Most cat owners wear their fur with pride. "

    I'm not sure I agree with them there. A lot of us try really hard to keep the fur off our work clothes or dress clothes and if someone calls attention to it, it means we've obviously failed. It can be embarrassing for some people even, so I don't think it should be mentioned usually.
    Jessi, Apr 9, 2014
  3. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Yeah, I know. I personally dislike cat hair on my clothes, but I'm glad Bob's hair is really dark, so you can't really see it with most clothes. No idea who would like to carry cat hair on them, lol. Just ''because''.
    Trellum, Apr 16, 2014
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